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Wow! What a write-up! I appreciate the liberal use of the summary/details tags. Really helps things stay readable.

Curious: is there a Markdown exporter that supports some syntax for this?

The details tag is just html that you can fall back to in markdown: https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/HTML/Element/detai...

The main contribution by Github's markdown renderer is that it doesn't remove that tag.

But how do they put code tags in there? Last time I checked, Markdown doesn't allow Markdown inside HTML tags. Or do they just wrap it in <code><pre> and the syntax highlighter picks it up later in the chain?

Markdown inside HTML tags is fine as long as there's a paragraph break (two newlines) between the Markdown and the HTML tag. So it usually goes like:


    Some `markdown`
I would imagine this sort of behavior is in commonmark, but I am too lazy to check.

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