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Why not take the B12 substitute directly?

I take 1 1000% daily reccomended dose per day, as per consultation with my doctor. Together with D3, Folic Acid, and Iron.

Most people are vitamin deficient, meat eating/milk drinking or not, unless you actively substitute.

It's all the same stuff anyways. B12 is produced by bacteria living on the ground. Which would normally bio accumulate in livestock. Howeve since most livestock is fed with silo feed, theyd too get B12 deficiency, if it wasn't substituted.

So you have the choice of eating B12 directly with a lot of control over dosage, or have the livestock swallow the pill for you. Seems like an inefficient intermediary step.

I do.

It's not enough. And uptake is a complex process, it's not as simple as supplement with a given isolate. Unfortunately, not every human body will adhere to a textbook case where a single supplemental pill or shot does the trick. If it did, I'd be in a better way.

As it is, I'm working on staying ahead of any problems B12 and anemia can cause me down the line. I'd rather not reach the point of others I've known who have to have regular blood transfusions to stay alive and prevent their minds and bodies from eroding.

I'll stick to my physician's word and millennia of evolution on that one, if it's all the same to you.

And please, show me some respect: you must know that consuming a complex of nutrients through a food source is not the same as ingesting a copious amount of an isolate. It's certainly not akin to an animal "swallowing a pill" for me.

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