As an experienced programmer, I have spent enough time trying to understand and make sense of some aspects of pure/higher math, specifically logic, that I feel qualified to say this:
- Experienced programmers are better trained at formality and precision than mathematicians, in some respects, and are able to ask questions that make experienced mathematicians go "why are you asking this question?" or "just get used to the idea (because that's what everyone does)"
- Much of higher math study advice (such as the one posted here) is aimed at laymen. And experienced programmers are no laymen.
- Mathematicians are laymen in many aspects compared to experienced programmers. An experienced programmer will have an easier time learning and using a proof assistant. Mathematicians (most of them) run away as fast as they can the moment they hear the phrase 'proof assistant.'
- Experienced programmers are better trained at formality and precision than mathematicians, in some respects, and are able to ask questions that make experienced mathematicians go "why are you asking this question?" or "just get used to the idea (because that's what everyone does)"
- Much of higher math study advice (such as the one posted here) is aimed at laymen. And experienced programmers are no laymen.
- Mathematicians are laymen in many aspects compared to experienced programmers. An experienced programmer will have an easier time learning and using a proof assistant. Mathematicians (most of them) run away as fast as they can the moment they hear the phrase 'proof assistant.'