| | Ask HN: What's your ideal tool for collecting ideas or brainstorming? | |
23 points by itssho on March 18, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 27 comments
| | Does the current tool exist? Is it Trello? Why? I'm working on a startup that's trying to solve innovation management and we want to develop the best experience for capturing ideas possible. I would love to know what the HN community uses for ideas and not 'issues'. What I mean by that is you are probably putting things you are actioning on for sure in something like JIRA or Github right now (I'm a dev, so that's where my head is at). Thanks in advance for sharing! |
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For drawing, diagramming, and writing things out, I often use an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, with the Paper app [0]. I find that writing with a pencil-type thing works better for me than typing.
I also do Rubber Duck brainstorming. This is often for asynchronous collaboration with other people. I'll start up an audio recording and kinda do a stream-of-consciousness thing. If necessary, I'll go through later and edit it or take more notes from what I just said. If I'm using Paper, I'll often do a screen recording at the same time, so I can talk while I'm drawing/diagramming.
If I _have_ to use other tools, I prefer Markdown over pretty much anything. I really like StackEdit [1] because it's browser based, easy to use, and easy to sync with git repos. I take session notes for my D&D group and they automatically get turned into GitHub Pages.
0. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/paper-by-wetransfer/id50600381...
1. https://stackedit.io/