Great post. I think it is important that more developers learn the importance of managing state. Almost every application ends up with the kind of bugs where you have two properties set on an object that are mutually exclusive, and you can do nothing but scratch your head and try to reproduce the steps that got you there.
Even more important than in Rails-style server-side MVC, though, is using state management in stateful client-side MVC, like Mac, iOS/Android, and web applications. (See to understand the difference.)
At least with Rails, the flow through your application is pipelined M->C->V and the debugging is significantly easier. If you think about an iOS application, for example, your application is starting off in a different state every time, and is constantly being modified by the user. If you ever get into bad state, it can be very hard for the user to recover; especially if that bad state gets persisted to the file system.
One problem with state machines is that they grow in complexity very quickly, and the tools that were given to most people in their CS curriculum don't help you manage this fast growth. However, applications that are mission-critical still need the robustness of formalized state management.
David Harel, while working on software for fighter jets, came up with Harel statecharts, which describe a formalism for parent and child states. These are also very popular in embedded systems, such as pacemakers, where users could die if the system fails:
We've been preaching statecharts pretty hard in the SproutCore community, although largely internally at Apple, and included a built-in statechart library in our 1.5 release. Mike Cohen, the maintainer of the SC library, has a ton of great resources on his blog:
I think especially in the arena of web applications, we need to start spreading the word about the benefits of statecharts, not least of which is the easy ability to regenerate state from URLs. It requires discipline and effort upfront, but so does unit testing, and I think that's a battle that the development community has largely won.
This is increasingly important for client-side devs as we use the History API to transition between pages without reloading. This upends our whole predictable state model starting with a page load and a clean slate.
Case in point: I recently built a web app / site with simple content, but very complex page-to-page animated SVG transitions.
The easiest part of the project was implementing the animated transitions. By far the hardest part was managing UI state, since you could enter the app from any URL endpoint.
Thing is, it was only the hardest part because I thought about it last, after I'd built the whole thing assuming a predictable initial state. An approach starting with a statechart might have saved me a ton of trouble.
Almost every application ends up with the kind of bugs where you have two properties set on an object that are mutually exclusive, and you can do nothing but scratch your head and try to reproduce the steps that got you there.
I agree that managing state is important in any large application. I've studied formal machine but they have certain limitations - often a single module will have several different kind of states and some ad-hoc dependencies with the outside world.
Personally, really simple solutions have worked best for me.
A) Name your states and state-variables really well - appropriately naming or renaming a state can clarify a huge amount of code. Editors that allow automated renaming of variables are fabulous.
B) Add "choke-point" functions which guarantee a consistent state through each program "cycle" (each cycle of user interaction or whatever "main loop" a program has).
C) ASSERT, ASSERT, ASSERT. Even if you assert too much, it forces you to think about your code. It frustrates me that Ruby doesn't has a costless ASSERT even though a minimal-cost equivalent can be Jury-rigged in a line.
One problem with state machines is that they grow in complexity very quickly, and the tools that were given to most people in their CS curriculum don't help you manage this fast growth.
This certainly isn't the case in all CS programs. In my university we had a notorious class where we had to use Rational Rose RT to create a state machine representing some distributed system (usually a game like pacman, or cops and robbers), then we actually added C++ code to those states and transitions to make the system actually run.
There are of course always teams that decide to make a single state with a single transition holding all their code, but most people utilized nested states, history states, and all those "fun" things.
The course however was usually a nightmare as the version of Rational Rose RT we were using was ancient and unstable. Also, since this was supposed to simulate a real project, the requirements changed half way through the semester causing lots of swearing, lots of all-nighters, and lots of delivery lasagna.
You can still see "I HATE ROSE" and "ROSE SUCKS" etched into desks and walls in certain computer labs.
Even more important than in Rails-style server-side MVC, though, is using state management in stateful client-side MVC, like Mac, iOS/Android, and web applications. (See to understand the difference.)
At least with Rails, the flow through your application is pipelined M->C->V and the debugging is significantly easier. If you think about an iOS application, for example, your application is starting off in a different state every time, and is constantly being modified by the user. If you ever get into bad state, it can be very hard for the user to recover; especially if that bad state gets persisted to the file system.
One problem with state machines is that they grow in complexity very quickly, and the tools that were given to most people in their CS curriculum don't help you manage this fast growth. However, applications that are mission-critical still need the robustness of formalized state management.
David Harel, while working on software for fighter jets, came up with Harel statecharts, which describe a formalism for parent and child states. These are also very popular in embedded systems, such as pacemakers, where users could die if the system fails:
We've been preaching statecharts pretty hard in the SproutCore community, although largely internally at Apple, and included a built-in statechart library in our 1.5 release. Mike Cohen, the maintainer of the SC library, has a ton of great resources on his blog:
I think especially in the arena of web applications, we need to start spreading the word about the benefits of statecharts, not least of which is the easy ability to regenerate state from URLs. It requires discipline and effort upfront, but so does unit testing, and I think that's a battle that the development community has largely won.