Most places offer an alternative. Especially institutions that are not FAANG-types, like government services and heavily regulated ones like banks. I am a U.S. citizen and have never encountered a service that didn't have alternatives to using a smart phone. Are you saying that Fidelity would not have mailed you a statement?
A complaint can be registered with the company, regulators, and/or politicians. Switch to another provider if possible. I know it's not always easy, I'm not perfect in this regard. But if nobody does anything, nothing will change. Are you telling those of us who feel this way to give up?
When did I say they required a smartphone? A landline will work perfectly fine for "voice" 2FA, and just about anything but a landline will work for SMS 2FA.
They probably would mail me a statement, but that means I'm limited to much less convenient (and less secure!) forms of communication with them, like calling them... or receiving a letter.
How can I switch to another company when my employer is the one who decides to whom they will match contributions? Or, to borrow from the people in other countries who have posted elsewhere here, when the account is related to taxes or government benefits? Or maybe all the major banks in their country require it?
A complaint can be registered with the company, regulators, and/or politicians. Switch to another provider if possible. I know it's not always easy, I'm not perfect in this regard. But if nobody does anything, nothing will change. Are you telling those of us who feel this way to give up?