I'm sure Samsung, Micron and every other company selling DIMMs are looking forward for that day too. It would need how much more memory for everything?
My beefy desktop computer is often already struggling just to run Chrome.
Emacs used to stand for "Eight Megabytes and constly swapping", maybe they could name it now Egacs (Eight Gigabytes ...)
In the days of the 486 being nothing more than "junk" compared to a Pentium 2, running Emacs with SICP on Texinfo format was the light approach compared to open a full browser to read HTML pages.
Ditto with Groff+Mom occuping a few MB (totally doable in 1997) vs a GB LaTex install lasting several minutes to render a PostScript, and then running X (if even) just to display the resulting file and nothing more.
Nowadays even QT5 software looks lightweight enough compared to some Electron monsters...
My beefy desktop computer is often already struggling just to run Chrome.
Emacs used to stand for "Eight Megabytes and constly swapping", maybe they could name it now Egacs (Eight Gigabytes ...)