Yeah this is asking for trouble. We only had a small demo on our homepage where users could upload media files and they were deleted after 24 hours and still some people managed to abuse it and nearly got our site killed, domain blacklisted in Google with a big red screen of death.
I don't want to spam any links here but if you are interested please do look at my last post about the dangers of doing this and lessons I learned from my mistake.
Please do not keep the files for 10 days. Even 24 hours is a deal-breaker. From what I've learned, anything more than 30 minutes can get you into trouble.
I once had a location-based file sharing service that also got blacklisted by Google with no recourse. I hate Google trying to police the internet with no timely appeals process.
I wonder though if you could simply just block the Google crawler and bypass it. Or use a JavaScript to auto-POST something before the file gets sent for download. The Google crawler doesn't issue POST requests as far as I know.
There wasn't any danger. Nothing more than Google Drive or Dropbox. And they didn't have any way to contact them and explain. Way to heavy-handedly shut down a potential business idea.
I'm surprised to hear that because their response in dealing with actual child porn is absolute atrocious. A sick and sad story:
Couple years ago got a DM from an ex-colleague and security researcher who discovered child porn that was publicly accessible. he contacted Dropbox several times over the course of 3 weeks. Weeks later the links were still up. I reached out to somebody I knew at Dropbox who said they were reluctant to do me this favor and deal with that matter and would prefer if I continue contacting their security. I continued trying on LinkedIn and contacted several people in Germany and the UK. No response other than "thank you for your email". The head of security in Germany even blocked me for saying "there is child porn on the site please help me get hold of somebody in charge". Getting really fed up by then, I contacted sales from my company email (a fortune 500 company) and asked them to give me a quote for what looked to them like a multi million $ client. Within 2 hours I got a call from the VP of sales to talk about my "storage needs". I told them about the child porn and that they are helping to actively distribute it now since several weeks. One of the videos was a girl not older than 7 getting raped and tortured. It took another 3 days to take down the material.
Yeah honestly if I saw something like that I would have saved an offline copy on a USB stick and handed it to police for investigation. The problem that it even happens is much greater than the problem of online distribution, and deleting it and pretending it didn't happen isn't a satisfactory response.
Automation; the bare minimum would be to scan for known child sexual abuse material hashes - if you're not doing that, then opening up anonymous uploads is very risky, as for CSAM (unlike most other things) you may be personally liable even if it's distributed there without your knowledge. Cloudfare's CSAM scanning tool is one option that may help, there are other options.
You can't rely on the good faith of users, if your service is easily usable for crime, it will be used for it.
"You can't rely on the good faith of users; if your service is easily usable for crime, it will be used for it." - should be on every developer's login screen
And every developer needs to explain this to clients.
I had a client wanting to defer identity validation on a two-sided market system. I had to explain how it would be used for money laundering. It had never occurred to the client.
> Google Drive scans a file for viruses before the file is downloaded or shared. If a virus is detected, users cannot convert the infected file to a Google Doc, Sheet, or Slide, and they'll receive a warning if they attempt these operations.
So at least some degree of automated moderation is going on. Frankly, I'd be astounded if some amount of scanning isn't being done for illegal content and/or phishing stuff.
Can you remedy this problem by making it so that anyone can delete the file? That way anyone can take it down if they have a problem with it? It's supposed to be ephemeral storage anyway... people might not mind having files disappear.
1. Many people are more likely to go to a lot of effort to complain loudly and widely rather than hit a simple "delete this" link.
2. Such feature is basically a self-DoS. If someone takes a disliking to the app or a user of it they can script up a "delete everything" and fire it off.
Similar sites like have been up for many years with no issues. I assume spam can be a problem, but these sites must have figured something out.
Uploading files without auth layer - is asking for trouble IMHO. Change without audit trail will encourage wrong doers. But I get the idea, this is an example for a file upload in a simple way using Curl or other tools.
> Uploading files without auth layer - is asking for trouble IMHO.
If you make it super user-friendly and advertise it as the next Megaupload, sure. But if you keep a small audience of good-faith users it's not asking for problems.
If you can teach me to make my file upload as hacker-friendly as this service while implementing auth, i'd be glad. Here the entire point is you don't need further configuration/credentials for example to upload log/config from a server.
But it is not a matter of "if". It is a matter of "when". Bad actor(s) will find out at some point if it is even remotely popular and then it's game over.
This is a one-way road, though. The minute a bad actor finds out about your ungated image-hosting service, it's over, and you'll have a hell of a mess to clean up. If you're lucky it'll just be somebody trying to sell penis pills. If you're not, you'll have federal investigators knocking.
This is incompatible with using curl as your client, but one “hacker-friendly way to do auth” is to use Github’s public SSH keys API.
You can stand up an (SCP/SFTP-subprotocol-only) SSH server, and tell the user to log in with their GitHub username + GitHub SSH key. Then configure your SSH server to call[1] a check on GitHub’s API to map the provided username to the GitHub user’s set of public SSH keys. From there, the server treats that list exactly as if it were the user’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
Following that, you can configure PAM to continue the auth process however you like, policy-wise: let any GitHub user in; only let GitHub users in from a specific GitHub org; keep an LDAP directory of GitHub usernames such that you can attach metadata to them like “is banned” or “has used up their upload credits for the day” or “is on plan tier X”; etc.
Then, to actually handle the uploads, you can 1. set up automatic local user instantiation per remote user; 2. populate /etc/skel with just the right set of limited files to allow the user to upload into one “spool” directory; 3. have an inotify-like daemon that watches for files to be closed in that directory and handles them from there (e.g. uploading them to an S3 bucket, etc.)
Or, alternately, you can avoid building this on top of OpenSSH, since you’re really fighting against the current by trying to virtualize everything, when OpenSSH expects to be relying on, and providing access to, a traditional POSIX environment.
Instead, you can have your own SSH server daemon that provides access to a pretend environment inside the SSH-server process, and handles SCP/SFTP upload streams through a custom in-process handler, the same way a web framework handles PUT requests.
I don’t know how common this is in other runtimes, but Erlang has an SSH server framework that you can use to implement exactly this. (As it happens, I’ve also written a high-level service that uses this SSH server framework to implement an alternative carrier for Erlang remote shell, where you can just SSH into the Erlang node to get a shell on it: This app is also, AFAIK, the only public/FOSS demonstration of how to use Erlang’s SSH server library—which is kind of sad. People should play with things like this more! Make MUDs and such!)
That's a neat idea, but I would try to simplify it a bit. Now, the details are fuzzy as I haven't set up anything like this but I know the theory behind it.
You could setup a website which accepts file uploads at , when a request is accepted you retrieve the public ssh key for "username" and validate that the "file_signature" is valid for the file uploaded.
The point of including GitHub in the chain is that it's acting as an SSO provider, thus:
1. letting you ban bad actors from your system by creating a blacklist of GitHub usernames; and
2. putting a stumbling block in the way of getting around #1 by signing up for 1000 accounts (signing up for a GitHub account takes a while; adding a unique new SSH key[1] to that GitHub account means generating a new SSH keypair, which takes another while; etc. Having a GitHub account with an associated SSH key constitutes a very small proof-of-work, similar to an e-stamp.)
[1] IIRC, a given SSH public key cannot be associated with more than one GitHub account at a time.
Any SSO provider would provide the same guarantees; but GitHub is the only SSO provider that has people's SSH pubkeys on file and accessible through a public API, and so GitHub is the only SSO provider you can use as an SSO provider through SSH.
Also, as a separate "benefit" (though some would argue it's the opposite), GitHub accounts — SSO accounts generally — are more-often-than-not associated with people's personal identities. SSO identity-provider sign-up processes usually collect quite a bit of PII, and often do a bit of KYC with phone verification, etc. This means that requiring sign-in through SSO is an almost-perfect ward against criminal use of your service — since any criminal stupid enough to SSO into your site and then do something illegal, can be quickly-and-easily identified by the police by sending a warrant to the SSO provider.
Besides all that, the point here is to make the process of uploading a file as simple as possible for the end-user (presuming the end-user is a developer familiar with common CLI tools.) The backend complexity isn't really a concern, if it presents a simple and straightforward API.
With GitHub-identity-supported SSH-pubkey-auth, anyone who has a default SSH keypair and a GitHub account (and who has registered their default SSH keypair against their GitHub account) can directly jump to typing `scp ./file` and it'll "just work" — without having to ever even visit to register an account! Most developers have a GitHub; and most developers have used SCP before at some point. It's a very familiar process. Less confusing, even, than GitHub's own requirement of needing to SSH into as the "git" user.
With your scheme, meanwhile, the user has to figure out how to sign a file using SSH — something I don't think more than a handful of people in the world will have ever had previous experience with. That's not quite "easy" on the level of "just use cURL" or "just use SCP" :)
One can upload a file to their Dropbox via a cURL post, provided they have created an app and have an access token, which just takes a few minutes to set up.
These are always nice little sites to have around, but they can't really grow much in popularity before users start abusing them to distribute illegal things at which point the site has to start doing more and more content moderation or be shut down.
Can confirm. I had a public demo of my open source image hosting solution [1] (where you can resize images and videos by just entering a different URL) up for years without problems, until idiots started uploading CSAM (Children sexual abuse material).
Luckily I found out before law enforcement did [2] so I proactively talked to my federal bureau for months generating Excel sheets of IPs and access times and devices and countries. I didn't see many of the images myself, basically just looked at one upload per IP which was like three in total and forwarded all uploads of that IP to the police but man.. what the hell is wrong with people. 4 digit number of uploads of CSAM.
The process of properly reporting and working with authorities seems daunting. (Anecdotally,) It sounds too easy to implicate yourself for a technical violation of the law by (even unknowingly) hosting this content, or accidentally transferring it to one of your personal devices. Much worse following the advice of your local police to print out images which would be completely illegal! On the other hand, if the process was too lenient on reporters, hosting a file sharing service that "gets abused" with illegal content might turn into the ultimate scapegoat for illegal content users/creators/brokers
Nice job going through the reporting process and I'm glad you blogged about it to share with others
Not OP, but this site has been around for months at least, maybe a year, it would be sad if it had to taken down right after landing on the front page of HN.
If you like the convenience of transferring a file temporarily into the cloud to download it elsewhere (great for getting stuff out of a rancher environment), check out patchbay[0]. It uses what it calls 'HTTP channels' so if you start a POST request to a patchbay URL, it will block until a corresponding GET is made to the same endpoint which will receive the data from your POST. The operation can be done in reverse as well, with the GET blocking until the POST begins.
I like the simplicity of it. One PHP file, throw it on a server with Apache and rock and roll.
Other comments are right to point out that this site is setting itself up to be abused. My feeling is that this is intended to be a demo. I doubt the creator is trying to provide a real service here. And they might be in for a rude awakening if it gains traction.
But, it looks like they intend this to be open source. Anyone can clone the repo and run this on their own server! Unfortunately, the repo does not have a license file, which makes me a little uneasy.
Edit: I didn’t say that very well. With no license file, technically we cannot actually use this code since it defaults to ‘All rights reserved’. I think the author might not realize that though. It seems they intend it to be ‘open’ based on line 334.
Also, it is not particularly good PHP code, a little rough around the edges. But hey, it's a cool demonstration on a very straight forward way to upload & share files! Could be a good starting point to develop further.
How do they "get burned" by that? Not having a license means you don't get to use it and are violating their copyright if you do so (possibly except the things specified in Github ToS: look at the code on github)
The default is that you don't have rights to code unless they are explicitly given to you. The Github ToS do specify some rights that are granted through uploading to GH, but they don't constitute any usual license, nor one that makes any of it usable to you.
No. If you find some code online, or on a thumb drive on the sidewalk, and it is unlicensed, it's incorrect to assume that it's equivalent to being permissively licensed for you to do whatever you want with it.
Yeah, I edited my comment as I think I miss-spoke actually. Technically, GitHub as a platform will allow us to fork or clone this code. But with no license file, from a legal point of view, we cannot use it, or whatever else an open source license would allow.
I don't think you have much responsibility in not specifying a license, since it defaults to "all rights reserved", thus preventing anyone else from using that code.
Which one? says it's up and fine for me.
If you're curling don't include the last character that the URL has in response. That's effectively a carriage return/end of data
Perfect. a replacement for I use it to make small audio snippets (synthesized speech) available as URL for Sonos to play. With a decent turnaround time, it works to create your own spoken announcements with something like espeak as the synthesizer. I hope this service will survive the spam it will atract...
I don't want to spam any links here but if you are interested please do look at my last post about the dangers of doing this and lessons I learned from my mistake.
Please do not keep the files for 10 days. Even 24 hours is a deal-breaker. From what I've learned, anything more than 30 minutes can get you into trouble.