Are you suggesting we eliminate (go permanent standard time) and have people change their alarms 1 hour earlier in the summer? Does that mean you also go to bed 1 hour earlier in the summer? If you go to bed earlier, you have less evening time to enjoy.
Also adjusting your entire schedule (your alarm, your bedtime) twice a year would be very disruptive.
I think we actually disagree. We're using different definitions of "adjusting". I'm using it as in change from getting up at 7am instead of 8am. This is very disruptive because you have to reschedule your work shifts, your kid's school time, your commute (e.g public transport), your kid's daycare, doctor's appointments, bedtime, TV watching schedule, evening activities, etc.
If you and everyone else shift everything, then no one needs to contact each other to figure out how the rescheduling will work out. It all happens without requiring any communication. If x people interact with each other, then personal shifts might require x^2 interactions to try to figure out their new schedules. If it's set by the government, it requires 0 interactions.
No. With DST, the clocks have their times change, but I still wake up when the clocks say 8am and start work at 9am every day. (example)
With the hypothetical I was describing, the clocks never have their times change, but I get up at 8am in the winter and 7am in the summer, while starting work at 9am every day. This means in the summer I have 1 extra hour to do stuff in the morning before work, and 1 less hour to do stuff in the evening after work (assuming I go to bed 1 hour earlier to have a consistent amount of sleep).