This is very simple. If water leaves no residue then you have an equivalent of distilled water.
Normal water for human consumption should contain palette of minerals. First to taste well, second to supplement your diet (supposedly, I don't have hard facts).
This is crankery. Minerals are collected by the body from all sources. The grains, fruits, vegetables, and meat one eats are surely not fed with distilled or RO'd water. Unless your diet is extremely unusual, the trace minerals removed from water will never be a problem.
> In the past, acute health problems were reported in mountain climbers who had prepared their beverages with melted snow that was not supplemented with necessary ions. A more severe course of such a condition coupled with brain oedema, convulsions and metabolic acidosis was reported in infants whose drinks had been prepared with distilled or low-mineral bottled water (11).
Reference 11:
> 11. Anonymous. Hyponatremic seizures among infants fed with commercial bottled drinking water – Wisconsin, 1993. MMWR 1994; 43: 641-643.
Look that paper up and you will find the two (!) case studies in it were a woman who subsituted bottle formula with water for a whole day and a woman who gave her infant three bottles of formula a day and three bottles of water a day.
This is a reference I picked at random, from a provocative claim; it was so dishonest I didn't bother with the rest.
This paper is actually written by a Czech academic. It is hosted on the WHO website, but that tells us nothing. Do they endorse the paper, or do they just host it because it was referenced? What does the WHO actually have to say about RO water?
When I google "revere osmosis health problems" I get mostly conspiracy sites and "natural healing" bloggers trying to sell me crystals. The only MD opinions I can find say there is no substantial evidence of concern. Can you cite a medical professional's opinion?
Are you just googling narrowly to support your opinion and then throwing PDFs at me? That seems to be the case.
Sadly, the WHO are as prone to manipulation as any other political institution. Their continued recommendation to mutilate the genitals of infant males is another example.