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> Am I the only one who thinks

No, there are plenty of blockchain snake oil salesmen out there promoting the same misleading talking points while bypasssing legitimate concerns.

First, you have to understand that at least half of the concepts you're talking about have completely not broken through the barrier between the mindshare of the Blockchain community and the rest of the tech industry. Your post was the first I've heard about OVM, Dex, Defi, and DAOs.

That's not the fault of the tech community, that's the fault of the Blockchain community by allowing itself to be overrun with quasi-technical charlatans who promote world-changing revolution while yadda-yaddaing past the technical details.

Every other digital revolution was embraced bottoms-up by geeks - from The PC, to The Web, to Linux, to The Cloud. But Blockchain is primarily embraced by money-hungry Type-A salespeople, and it sets off ALL SORTS of alarm bells for most of us.

I think I fundamentally agree with you - Vitalik IS a Genius. Like Satoshi. But I am extremely concerned with the direction most mainstream adoption of this technology is taken, and the glee with which boosters like you allow it to be.

The one item on your list that has a lot of familiarity for the technical community, and even the rest of the populace today is NFTs.

You listed them in the other list of concepts I had no familiarity with. Yet I do know a thing or two about NFTs from what I researched. And I think it's one of the most apalling ideas to have been invented in this domain yet. Masquerading as a method to liberate artists and promote new opportunities for income, it is so clearly a giant money laundering scheme for the wealthiest of the world. That's before we get into the environmental impact.

So....that's what I think.

> Every other digital revolution was embraced bottoms-up by geeks - from The PC, to The Web, to Linux, to The Cloud. But Blockchain is primarily embraced by money-hungry Type-A salespeople, and it sets off ALL SORTS of alarm bells for most of us.

No, that's not true. It's just those types are the loudest. So that'd be your impression when you haven't spent time looking into it.

But it sounds like you've at least looked at Vitalik's writings. The Eth core has plenty of hard core tech in various corners of crypto. It's just that they're organized by project, and not all in one place.

>No, that's not true. It's just those types are the loudest.

In order to make it in the crypto market this is the way they have to behave, because the measure of success is the coin price, which is directly tied to the number of people buying into their coin (the vast majority know nothing of the underlying technical details and don't care). It's a race to the bottom and a real problem with the industry, reminiscent of the dot-com bubble, but I think far more pervasive in crypto. This is also why crypto will keep experiencing popping bubbles until it finds enough use cases with actual advantageous compared to existing solutions.

While true, that's a separate point about marketing on the internet today. The person I was replying to was saying how traditional tech is allergic to crypto because of the hype machine.

I'm saying, if you dig beyond the hype machine, you'll find plenty of hard core tech and tech adopters that you found in previous platforms, like PC and internet.

OP apparently cares about the underlying technical details. I'm saying if he/she looks deeper, they'll find what they're looking for.

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