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Oh, I can tell you because I work with these asshats. They come in, deploy the technology, usually get promoted and then leave. The people left behind have to maintain their garbage and because promotions are only given to new feature work we're the suckers holding the bag.

Actually This is exactly how I accidentally started consulting on k8s. Three of my customers had engineers who advocated for k8s, did 50-75% of an implementation then left.

I have told all of my customers they don’t need this, but they are convinced this is the way of the future.

"Right side of history" is a powerful motivator, for better or worse. How did you get the first customer?

Right side of history? I dunno about anything like that. It’s just business, show me the money.

There will be a new trend next year or the year after, ad nauseum.

I’ve been consulting on and off for over 20 years now, I dont even remember my first 10 customers anymore. I get a lot of referrals from customers and from a consulting company I sold.

I was primarily focusing on terraform, which is the only technology I’ve actully ever enjoyed professionally, but there’s just so much stupid $$ in k8s.

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