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Barcelona: Particulary sad. As a tourist one could sense the unworthiness of this proud city going thorugh this transformation. From something that stood on its own feet (rich, industrious history) and aimed at creating its own future (there are still some tech-giants left - although it feels like remnants of a once brighter outlook) into something dependent on wealthy foreigners, whether it is domestically unbearable rents or a battered public life because of agressive hawkers at day and aggressive thieves at night (which eye the tourists, but pollute the place for the citizens as well). I remember somewhere in the 2000s Barcelonians put out a map for visitors (domestic and foreign) of what kinds of robberies/con games to expect in what area. And then there was of course this guy: https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2015/aug/11/commuting-fro...

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