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I heard on a genetics podcast recently that your weight is 70% genetically determined. Every family carries in its genome the similar ingredients for weight: how much do you eat, what foods do you like, how efficient is your body at gathering and storing energy, how much do you naturally like exercise, etc. That 30% is obviously important and most people could make huge gains there, simply by eating less.

ya but vegetable oil and corn fructose syrup did not exist >100 years ago as food products. we cook our food in wat used to be called boat varnish (vegetable oil)

yes you are correct, our genes are what determines weight in realtion to the foods you eat. it affects your bodies ability to metabolise those foods , etc

but most of the foods you eat, over 90% of what is available in walmart for instance, is industrial manufactured trash that no human except perhaps escaped roswell experiemnts and MBAs can metabolise correctly

this is compounded by modern trash propaganda telling people not to eat meat, to replace meat with synthetic mineral oils and watered down oats for $500 a litre

> ya but vegetable oil and corn fructose syrup did not exist 100 years ago

They absolutely did, from about the 1870's onward. Read about Harvey Washington Wiley. Modern food isn't a paragon of health, but for most non-rural people in the US, it was quite a bit worse from the 1870's to the 1910's.



From that last one, they talk about a lot of honey simply being flavored corn syrup. There was swill milk. They put all sorts of weird conservatives into food before Wiley's Poison Squad determined what was safe.

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