How are the Ruby, Python, Javascript and Clojure communities in the area?
What startups in the area are in the consumer tech space?
I was given the names of a bunch of people in the startup community there by Fred Hutchison, but I was very disappointed to find out that none of them were on Quora. This left me with the impression that there isn't much of a community or that the community lives in a bubble that is separate from instead of networked with the tech communities in Silicon Valley, NYC, Boulder, Austin and Boston.
Ruby - Raleigh.rb was one of the first and largest Ruby user groups, we have some of the best Ruby developers in the country. Relevance, Viget, and Terralien (gone now) are all based in the Triangle.
Clojure - Relevance employs most of the Clojure core team and the Clojure conference is held here each year.
How are the Ruby, Python, Javascript and Clojure communities in the area?
There's a very strong Ruby community here... Lots of companies using Ruby, and a very active Ruby user's group with multiple hack-night events throughout the month, at different parts of the Triangle.
The Clojure community is pretty strong as well, due to the presence of Relevance, Inc. in Durham. Relevance seems to employ almost everybody that's anybody in the Clojure world (ok, maybe a little bit of hyperbole, but it feels that way sometimes) and there's an active Triangle Clojure Meetup. Not sure what other companies in the area are using Clojure though.
There are active user groups for both Javascript and Python as well, in addition to .Net, PHP, Java, a "JVM Languages" hack-night group (for Scala, JRuby, Jython, Groovy, etc. folks), and a number more than I'm sure I'm forgetting.
We also have a very active Lean Startup group.
What startups in the area are in the consumer tech space?
I was given the names of a bunch of people in the startup community there by Fred Hutchison, but I was very disappointed to find out that none of them were on Quora.
Hmm... there are definitely some Triangle area startup folks on Quora. I know a few of them offhand:
The disappointing thing is that the only person on that list with any real activity was you and many of the others only have activity related to their startup. Which RTP startup people are active HNers besides you and javery?
What about interface and ux design talent in the area? Anyone notable?
When is the next decent event between now and the 21st? I'll be in Raleigh until then before I fly back to São Paulo and then move to SF in August. I'd like to get an idea of what is going on here before I go.
Which RTP startup people are active HNers besides you and javery?
I know there are more of us here, but I don't know everyone's HN username. Offhand I can think of kacyf (works with javery at AdZerk)
I know there are others, I just can't tell you who they are on here, from memory.
What about interface and ux design talent in the area? Anyone notable?
A lot of the folks that work at Viget Labs are pretty sharp on UI and UX. We had a great UX team assembled at at one time, but unfortunately that team got broken up, some people moved away, some people went to other companies, and some people I just plain lost touch with. But yeah, there are some UI/UX people here who do some nice work.
When is the next decent event between now and the 21st?
Hmmm... we've had a flurry of stuff just in the last few days, so I'm not sure what else is going on this month. Let me glance at some calendars and I'll post an update later. Or maybe somebody else will have something "on the tip of their tongue" so to speak.
What startups in the area are in the consumer tech space?
I was given the names of a bunch of people in the startup community there by Fred Hutchison, but I was very disappointed to find out that none of them were on Quora. This left me with the impression that there isn't much of a community or that the community lives in a bubble that is separate from instead of networked with the tech communities in Silicon Valley, NYC, Boulder, Austin and Boston.