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I find it funny how the stats get skewed by developers or people coming from HN (83% from HN at the time of viewing).

Windows, the most used OS in the world is listed under "Other" when looking at the Platforms pie chart. Pretty funny that in the HN community Linux is more commonly used than Windows, at least from the people that clicked on the link.

Given Android is not listed, I suspect the Linux cohort may just be mostly mobile.

Does this count people with uBlock origin? I'm just one data point but here is my user agent:

What is my user agent? Your User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Android 10; Mobile; rv:88.0) Gecko/88.0 Firefox/88.0

According to useragent v2.2.1: ua

    rawUa: Mozilla/5.0 (Android 10; Mobile; rv:88.0) Gecko/88.0 Firefox/88.0
    family: Firefox Mobile
    major: 88
    minor: 0
    patch: 0
    device: Generic Smartphone 0.0.0

    string: Android 0.0.0
    family: Android
    major: 0
    minor: 0
    patch: 0
According to ua-parser-js v0.7.20: ua

    ua: Mozilla/5.0 (Android 10; Mobile; rv:88.0) Gecko/88.0 Firefox/88.0

    name: Firefox
    version: 88.0
    major: 88

    name: Gecko
    version: 88.0

    name: Android
    version: 10

    vendor: undefined
    model: undefined
    type: mobile

    architecture: undefined
According to platform.js v1.3.5: ua

    name: Firefox Mobile
    version: 88.0
    layout: Gecko

    os: Android 10

    product: Mobile
    description: Firefox Mobile 88.0 on Mobile (Android 10)

Yes, also before the HN peak it seemed that windows was not so common actually. Which kind of makes sense given the product.

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