I settled for the second trick newcomers learn -- forking the Queen and the Rook with the Knight. Easy win being up a Rook and Pawn to a Knight, with the black's King uncastled and in the open.
I expected it to play like Ed's Chess on DOS, which I always had trouble beating. IIRC that engine looks 3-4 moves ahead usually, but 6-7 moves ahead when it needs to. No idea how big the equivalent JS would be.
Well the deeper you look, the more clever you need to be about pruning your branches and exploring the search space, so I would guess it does require more code.
I expected it to play like Ed's Chess on DOS, which I always had trouble beating. IIRC that engine looks 3-4 moves ahead usually, but 6-7 moves ahead when it needs to. No idea how big the equivalent JS would be.