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Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (hpmor.com)
26 points by permo-w on March 7, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Wow, danluu takes this very seriously indeed. I read hpmor as a fun story where Harry is a slightly toxic supergenius.

Is there some sort of drama behind this?

> Wow, danluu takes this very seriously indeed.

Ah no, he is simply hosting the review. From the top of the page:

> These are archived from the now defunct su3su2u1 tumblr. Since there was some controversy over su3su2u1's identity, I'll note that I am not su3su2u1 and that hosting this material is neither an endorsement nor a sign of agreement.

I'm not aware of any drama beyond this. The review has some good points though.

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