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> sure you can settle for an around average outcome,

Evaluating only a single outcome and deciding whether or not it is "average" is still doing an absolute evaluation and falling into the same trap.

The actionable question is not, "How good of an outcome will I get if I do X?" It's "How will the outcome of doing X compare to the outcome of doing Y or Z instead?"

I am in absolute terms a well below average medical practitioner. I haven't even taken a first aid class since I was a Boy Scout. Imagine I'm at the scene of a car crash and someone is bleeding out. Should I help? According to the philosophy "if I can't do something well I shouldn't do it at all", I should keep my hands clean.

But if I'm the only person on the scene and they're about to die, trying a little direct pressure is better than nothing. My well-below-average in absolute terms medical care is the best choice because all of the other options are terrible.

Maybe because we tend to be perfectionists, but I often see here on HN people completely underestimating how bad the alternative outcomes can be. Like they say about self-driving cars: the robot doesn't have to be perfect, just better than a human.

You don't have to have the best solution, just the least bad one.

> According to the philosophy "if I can't do something well I shouldn't do it at all", I should keep my hands clean

This is not what I meant.

What I mean is if I am going to put effort into something I'm not going to accept being mediocre.

There are plenty of things I suck at, and I'm fine with that because I put minimal effort into them.

But I won't put 10% effort into 10 things because I know I'll never get good at any of them like that. I'd rather put all my energy into 2-3 things.

If I'm to be a parent I want to be able to dedicate a lot of my energy towards it, not just the bare minimum (Which I understand is still a lot).

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