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But does it work with the OSS shim for alsa shim for pulseaudio shim for jack shim for pipewire?

Jokes aside my first reaction upon hearing about pipewire was "oh no, not yet an other Linux audio API" but maybe a miracle will happen and it'll be the Chosen One.

I know that audio is hard but man the situation on Linux is such a terrible mess, not in small part because everybody reinvents the wheel instead of fixing the existing solutions. Jack is definitely the sanest of them all in my experience (haven't played with pipewire) but it's also not the most widely supported so I often run into frustrating issues with the compatibility layers.

> not in small part because everybody reinvents the wheel instead of fixing the existing solutions.

I'm using all of these reinventions. Wayland, systemd, flatpak, btrfs and soon pipewire. I'm absolutely loving linux right now. Everything works so nice in a way it will never on a distro with legacy tools. Some of these projects like flatpak have a few rough edges but the future is very bright for them and most problems seem very short term rather than architectural.

I also liked JACK the best. But was frustrated with compatibility layers.

Pipewire lets me use all the JACK tooling, but without needing a special compat layer to manage it. so for now, I'm pretty excited

Still havent figured out how to get anything working for video.

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