If you're an engineer, and when you get back to your job you're told that you are now responsible for wiping down your workstation every hour, your first response will probably be, "I'm an engineer that's not my job" and your second response will be, "ok fine but make it as easy as possible".
Teachers are not supposed to be cleaning their classroom or teaching your kids about hygiene, but they have to now because parents don't and there is no budget for staff. There needs to be a tradeoff there. Spend a little more on supplies to save time so you don't have to hire a janitor to come around every hour and wipe down the classroom.
Teachers are not supposed to be cleaning their classroom or teaching your kids about hygiene, but they have to now because parents don't and there is no budget for staff. There needs to be a tradeoff there. Spend a little more on supplies to save time so you don't have to hire a janitor to come around every hour and wipe down the classroom.