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Just don't eat when not hungry.

Most people eat large quantities of food all at once. Stop half way and wait 20 minutes and you might not be hungry anymore. If you eat too quickly then you don't know at what point you'd eaten enough to satisfy your hunger.

This only works for people who have their "hunger point" properly calibrated to when they should actually stop eating.

Some folks don't stop feeling hungry until well after they should have stopped eating, leading them to eat way too many calories.

John Walker explains this concept in his "The Eat Watch" chapter here: http://www.fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/e4/eatwatch.html

So how do you move it down? Fast for a few days?

You don't change your hunger point.

You change your behavior, taking into account that your hunger point is lying to you.

You stop eating before you feel full.

You look up how many calories you should be eating and how much you want to lose. (3500 calories = 1 pound of fat; if you maintain a 500 calorie deficit every day, you'll lose a pound a week).

You weigh yourself every day, using signal processing techniques to remove random variations in your weight caused by water and reveal the trendline of where your weight is headed.

You then adjust your consumption based on where your weight is headed. Trendline sloping upwards? Eat fewer calories.

If you do this for a long time, your hunger point may change. It may not. But you don't care about your hunger point, you care about eating the right amount of food. The key insight is to realize that your hunger point may be lying to you, so you need to get an accurate hunger point. Walker describes how to do this in his book, combining signal processing with dieting.

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