24yrs ago I took a Buteyko breathing course. Basically cured my asthma, I went about 16yrs without taking medication (this was down from taking around 4 doses per day). I've had a few flare ups in the last few years due to environmental changes but it is under control again now.
I'd recommend this over taking drugs.
I've already tried stopping and reducing my medication. All that does is end up with me being hospitalised. I don't have mild asthma, I have chronic asthma. That's not the kind of thing you can heal with breathing techniques.
Yeah I had chronic asthma as well, I was hospitalised multiple times and I'd been on medication for 16yrs. I learnt the techniques and over 6months as I felt comfortable I was able to reduce my medication. You'd be mad to just stop your medication cold turkey. I'm not advocating that.
It is not a cure for asthma but a complementary technique. This means that people using Buteyko should still continue take their inhalers as prescribed however research has shown that inhaler use can significantly reduce over time.