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In addition to joining your previous comments on this thread in pointless meanness, this comment is also nonsensical. Who else but humans could be the intended audience for logs, raw or otherwise? They are a cast-iron bitch to do anything programmatic with; whole companies have been created just to tackle that problem.

I'd go one further, entire industries have been created to tackle this very problem! There is a lot of money in mining logs properly, it's easily a billion dollar industry.

Watch a production log file for 5 minutes and tell me if you can get anything meaningful out of it.

OP's ignorance makes him a threat to himself and others. It's this absolute refusal to learn the existing toolset that's pervading modern software development, putting projects in jeopardy. What's odd to me is that not only is the HN community complacent in this, you actually applaud it.

FWIW, this is why your sysadmin is pithy. He has seen software developers pull stunts like this for far too long, unwilling to listen to reason, unwilling to be technically cuckolded by a software package that's existed for thirty years.

Ignorance doesn't listen to reason.

"A threat to himself and others"? You're simply griefing. Please stop.

u mad

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