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The California cannabis industry is $4.4 billion in size.[1] While your argument is technically plausible, the size of the industry means that you have more and more lobbyists and lawyers working full time to make it politically less practical every day.

1. https://cannabusinessplans.com/california-cannabis-market/

The California cannabis industry is several multiples, perhaps an order of magnitude, larger than 4.4 billion.

You're just talking about the part that is the white people with state licenses, insurance, and mailing addresses.

Entrepreneurs make up another segment, 5-10x larger than that one.

Nice race bait/comic book. My favorite grower is owned/operated by an east Asian couple btw. If you know anything about California, the idea of an all-white cannabis cabal is absurd. But that may be hard to recognize from Berlin, I don't know. Okay, that's enough HN for a bit.

Still means it is perfectly legal for the feds to deploy troops and arrest people from the streets in California whenever they feel like it. It would be way uglier than what happened in Portland.

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