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Why Hotwire Could be the Future of Front-end Dev (wizville.fr)
16 points by timdl on Feb 19, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Thanks for sharing Timothée, but in my penny opinion the problem is with Error handling i can't find anything about it nor in docs, also loading html over the network it really decisive. but for me i will keep using react, and let's wait what Strada add.

Regarding error handling: that's a valid point. From my conversations with @DHH, I understand that a set of debugging tools is on the short term roadmap. Even if that sounds rather understandable to me, for a nascent open source project, to be shipped without that kind of tooling at first.

Regarding network, from my understanding payload is never a problem when using Hotwire's magic :)


But your answer highlights exactly what's wrong about the current situation : you use React because there's nothing else that seems to answer your needs. Not because you love it or need to code everything in Javascript on the front-end. Hopefully, an alternative is created to solve that problem, and maybe that's Hotwire.

completely agree with you let hope something show up, maybe also you should take a look on that https://elm-lang.org

I'll look it up, thanks :)

Thanks for sharing !


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