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> The specific quote exists as part of a broader context in this thread in which the accessibility of any proposed alternative to excel is relevant.

Right, which is why I tried to address the next claim:

> while emacs might be a valid alternative for some, it is not for most users

I think a distro like Spacemacs but with cua-mode / UX targeting Office users instead of with evil-mode / UX targeting vi users could make it fairly viable for many or even most users, it seems that it already is for many users, like the secretaries I mentioned in my other comment, who considered themselves non-programmers if not non-power users (https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=false&qu...).

Well I guess we're splitting hairs at this point. No need to go another few rounds, I'll just thank you for pointing out Spacemacs, which looks pretty interesting.

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