Thanks. Site guidelines discourage comments like yours but I was definitely rapidly getting downvoted till you said something. Interesting stuff.
I don't think anything I said about the WHO is particularly controversial considering the last year and their disinformation campaign.
Anyway, bodies like the WHO can't be effective information sources because you get in trouble if a novel contagious disease started in your country. It has to lead to increased money flow to the diseased site at disease onset and decreased money flow to sites likely to risk creating novel disease.
That is, market pandemic bonds structured on a regional basis will probably yield a better indicator than the WHO.
I don't think anything I said about the WHO is particularly controversial considering the last year and their disinformation campaign.
Anyway, bodies like the WHO can't be effective information sources because you get in trouble if a novel contagious disease started in your country. It has to lead to increased money flow to the diseased site at disease onset and decreased money flow to sites likely to risk creating novel disease.
That is, market pandemic bonds structured on a regional basis will probably yield a better indicator than the WHO.