I don't think the animation type influences the information in a misleading way and I think that the suggested effect is real.
Whales use sound to gather information about their surroundings rather than sight. So it isn't about visibility range, but rather about auditory range. In addition, sound travels at a different speed under water (I don't know how it affects the range).
The movie 'The last Giants' [1] is a documentation about the whales in the Strait of Gibraltar. While I don't think it is a particular good movie (too emotional), I think the basic information presented, gives a good impression of how whales are affected by modern ships. It is cruel.
Thats not the point. I’m sure whales can hear the doppler shifts just as easily—or even easier—then we. And I’m sure they can deduce the direction and speed of a vessel just as well. And I’m sure being in the line of attack of something really big and really fast moving is just as stressful for a whale as it is for us.
Whales use sound to gather information about their surroundings rather than sight. So it isn't about visibility range, but rather about auditory range. In addition, sound travels at a different speed under water (I don't know how it affects the range).
The movie 'The last Giants' [1] is a documentation about the whales in the Strait of Gibraltar. While I don't think it is a particular good movie (too emotional), I think the basic information presented, gives a good impression of how whales are affected by modern ships. It is cruel.
[1] https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1470753/