> This seems interesting from a legal point of view as well
Is it? If you make a resource freely available to people online, and people access said resource, what's the legal ramification there? It would appear there is no malicious intent which would be necessary to make the case for abuse, and theft of service would be a stretch given that Wikimedia doesn't charge for their service.
I think OP is referring to the fact that your device is internally making a copy of the image during the download process, yet the creative commons license requires that copies of an image have attribution. The terms of the license are therefore likely not being met.
Is it? If you make a resource freely available to people online, and people access said resource, what's the legal ramification there? It would appear there is no malicious intent which would be necessary to make the case for abuse, and theft of service would be a stretch given that Wikimedia doesn't charge for their service.