Considering that this seems to have been code accidentally left in while copy pasting from a tutorial, it's very hard to say, without doing the exact same investigation the Wikimedia team did.
There are a lot of apps that have launched in India around that time frame with huge numbers of users thanks to nationalistic rhetoric. They are terrible apps, but they are made in India terrible apps, and that apparently is enough to get a large following in India of late.
To be fair, a nation has to make lots of terrible apps first, before they can make mediocre apps, and then good apps. The logic of wanting homegrown apps could still be correct, even though there is a painful period of terrible apps.
Now, what the U.S. excuse is for its terrible apps, I'm not sure...
There are a lot of apps that have launched in India around that time frame with huge numbers of users thanks to nationalistic rhetoric. They are terrible apps, but they are made in India terrible apps, and that apparently is enough to get a large following in India of late.