Lecturer here - we will definitely cover some other topics, including semantic analysis (type checking, etc), code generation, basic optimizations, ...
I still expect parsing will be the major part of the course, maybe 50%?
There are some good reasons for that too. Parsing has a rich (and interesting) theoretical background that you don't really have with basic semantic analysis (unless you go to symbolic execution) and optimizations. It's more of an engineering-only angle (which we cover), while parsing has both aspects.
Background in parsing is also more likely to serve most the average student in practice :) I also think it's less easy to figure out on your own.
> Lecturer here - we will definitely cover some other topics, including semantic analysis (type checking, etc), code generation, basic optimizations, ...
How is this being updated? I've noted that all current videos were posted on Feb 1, but I guess there's more coming up?
Also the video times are a little weird -- I assumed this was being pulled from your normal classes, but the video lengths range from 10 min to 30 min kind of randomly.
I suppose my main question is: whats the background to this course?
This is the content for the first two weeks. It will updated regularly - probably every week starting from next week (I'd put it all out if I had it, but planning and recording these things is an ongoing process!)
As for the context, this is the UCLouvain master compiler class. We currently can't have in-person classes in Belgium (because Covid obviously).
Since we're no longer bound by the usual 2h lecture format (and it's the first time I'm giving the class), I figure I might as well go with a timing that is natural, and that depends on the material, what I have to say etc.
If anything, I'm thinking of moving towards more consistently shorter videos, as the ~30 minutes videos are both harder for me to make and for the students to consume. Sessions that include live coding or code reviews will probably still be longer.
I still expect parsing will be the major part of the course, maybe 50%?
There are some good reasons for that too. Parsing has a rich (and interesting) theoretical background that you don't really have with basic semantic analysis (unless you go to symbolic execution) and optimizations. It's more of an engineering-only angle (which we cover), while parsing has both aspects.
Background in parsing is also more likely to serve most the average student in practice :) I also think it's less easy to figure out on your own.