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> One the one hand, [TDD is] too strict. Insisting on writing tests first, often gets in the way of the exploratory work

Who are the proponents of TDD that promote 100% adherence even when it's not a good match for the situation? I keep coming across this claim, but it's not how I learned TDD, and I wonder if it's a straw man.

> Who are the proponents of TDD that promote 100% adherence even when it's not a good match for the situation?

While nobody proposes TDD "when it's not a good match", plenty of people overestimate the cases where they think it's a good match.

Plenty of TDD proponents believe you shouldn't write a single line of code without a test first. I've met them, and they believe it's a good match for the situation.

It's not helped by notorious failures like the infamous sudoku puzzle debacle -- a case where it was evidently not suitable, yet Jeffries went ahead and tried it anyway (and failed, predictably). The conclusion that TDD was not suitable for this kind of algorithmic exploratory development was somehow never reached...

I dealt with this a bunch. I think it’s a natural tendency of humans to hear a new idea and consider a simpler less nuanced version of it before they fully grasp it.

As an example. I was taught about object-calisthenics[1] in school. The lecturer treated a straw man version of it, and I thought about this like that for a while. What’s worse, when I later thought it was a good exercise and explained it to others I noticed I always have to reiterate multiple times that this set of rules is meant as an exercise of exploration, not a set of hard rules for whatever piece of code you are going to write next.

TDD is just so easy to turn into a straw man, and I think it has so many hardcore fans that makes it even worse to present the nuanced form of it.

[1] https://williamdurand.fr/2013/06/03/object-calisthenics/

Robert Martin is the dude that said the only acceptable target is 100%. Of course he also said you shouldn't plan to actually hit that target, just get as close as is possible without having to test things that don't matter like frameworks.

Kent Beck recently went through and clarified TDD and he definitely doesn't advocate 100%. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlmVY7qtgT_lkbrk9iZNizp97...

Honestly depending on how you interpret TDD it might be to strict but thinks which I belive are never to strict and always a good idea is:

- Writing tests first.

- Have a write test => write code => loop.

But there are some people which are pedantic about how small the loop needs to be or insisting that TDD excludes doing any planing about aspects like how you likely will structure code on a larger picture and similar (i.e. software architecture).

At the same time there are tools/library/framework/language combinations which are testing in generally really hard and can play really bad with TDD. While I believe such tools should be avoided there are situations in which you can not do so and in which you furthermore due to e.g. time constraints are simile not able to do any proper testing including TDD. It's kinda a nightmare situations but it does happen.

EDIT: Yes I realized I responded to the wrong comment :(

Depends what the exploratory work is.

If you know what result you want. It's easy to apply. Assert on the output.

If you don't know what you want, you can't apply it. Because you can't write the asserts.

So you can do exploratory implementation as long as you know the result you're looking for. But I'd also argue you want to have an idea about what you want before you start writing code. So I don't find that many places where it doesn't apply.

One of the few ones where it doesn't apply is tweaking the UI for looks.

I might be wrong, but I'm fairly certain I've seen Uncle Bob make statements along the lines of "there are vanishingly small scenarios in which 100% code coverage is not applicable" (heavy paraphrasing). Not arguing for or against, just making that observation. I could be misremembering.

100% code coverage and 100% adherence to TDD are two different things.

Every senior engineer who joined a startup before me. It can take a while to disabuse them of this.

When teaching TDD a strict adherence often is appropriate to help learners develop good habits. But like many such rules experts get to break it, because they have the expertise to know when it's appropriate to do so.

Ehh.. some people who wanna make it their edge in the swe community.

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