> One morning I woke up and found that Telegram implemented a new feature called “People Nearby”. If you choose to share your location publicly on Telegram, you’ll appear in a list for users who are physically close to you.
As always, it feels like this "discovery", at least for the headline (which, let's be honest, it's what most people read anyway) is based on glancing over the fact that this feature is opt-in, and that 99,999% of Telegram users do not use it. There's nothing in the headline indicating whether this is a critical data leak or simply expected behavior.
Sure, it definitely falls under unexpected usage of the data, but at the end of the day, the data was shared willfully through user action.
> If you’ve never heard of this feature and you suddenly feel the urge to delete your Telegram account forever, let me stress something very important: “People Nearby” is opt-in. By default, no one can see how far away you are on Telegram. You’ll only ever end up in other people’s lists by pressing the “Make Myself Visible” button. If you choose to try it out, remember to disable it once you’re done.
Fair - although I'm not big on shifting the blame from people only relying on headlines to form an opinion. That's on them, so-called "clickbait" or not.
I don't know why i am being downvoted. I tested then and i also have test now. I thought this was the expected behavior. It shows me(who is in their contact list and on completely different network) as online 100m away
As always, it feels like this "discovery", at least for the headline (which, let's be honest, it's what most people read anyway) is based on glancing over the fact that this feature is opt-in, and that 99,999% of Telegram users do not use it. There's nothing in the headline indicating whether this is a critical data leak or simply expected behavior.
Sure, it definitely falls under unexpected usage of the data, but at the end of the day, the data was shared willfully through user action.