> Advanced users, which need end-to-end encryption and are willing to trade a bit of usability for improved security guarantees, are able to do so by using secret chats
Except when they want to chat with more than one person at once. Telegram does not have any support for encrypted group conversations.
Otherwise a good read. Telegram is not a bad app, but it does not suit my threat model. I'm willing to forgo cloud backups and some usability to have default encryption for all my conversations, which I think is something Signal provides. None of these apps are perfect, it comes down to what combination of trade-offs works best for you.
> I'm willing to forgo cloud backups and some usability to have default encryption for all my conversations, which I think is something Signal provides.
Indeed, it does.
> None of these apps are perfect, it comes down to what combination of trade-offs works best for you.
That is exactly the take-home message :)
Anyway, I mentioned that Telegram does not support e2ee for group chats here:
> WhatsApp nowadays has end-to-end encryption enabled by default for all chats, while Telegram has not enabled it by default and does not support it on group chats.
Note however that group chats are even more difficult to handle securely, because in theory you are supposed to verify the identity of every participant.
Except when they want to chat with more than one person at once. Telegram does not have any support for encrypted group conversations.
Otherwise a good read. Telegram is not a bad app, but it does not suit my threat model. I'm willing to forgo cloud backups and some usability to have default encryption for all my conversations, which I think is something Signal provides. None of these apps are perfect, it comes down to what combination of trade-offs works best for you.