Here's a thought experiment. In a few hours of coding, Google, Discord, Twitter, Facebook, etc. could all spin up map/reduce searches across all their channels, groups, links, results... for any wordlist you'd care to provide.
If a flagged word is used past a certain frequency, the channel can be closed, the page can be delisted, the accounts can be banned, or the site can be terminated. So clean, simple, and really quite easy.
They can even just start with the really really awful words if you like.
But they don't do this. Generally speaking they (at least historically) tend to support the ability of people to say Bad Things on the internet! You can even enter these Bad Words right into the front page of the world's biggest search engine and get hundreds of millions of hits in 0.33 seconds.
Yet somehow a channel of particular notoriety which is causing serious financial damage to some very Important People can disappear in an instant, maybe even right on the day of its peak exposure, and those trivially, easily, obviously detectable Bad Words can be blamed.
And no one even has to think too hard about if that was really what just happened here. Because who would ever step up, particularly in our current political environment, to say that anyone or any channel used to espouse such Bad Words (or Wrong Think) should be tolerated?
You know you can be against arbitrary and unfair enforcement and think it's good to act against bigoted speech, right?
The way you're talking about "Bad Words" sounds like you think discord should ignore these problems entirely. It solves the biased enforcement problem but it's a pretty awful way to do it.
> Generally speaking they (at least historically) tend to support the ability of people to say Bad Things on the internet!
Who is they? Discord has not been supportive of the ability to say arbitrary bad things on their hosting.
Here's a thought experiment. In a few hours of coding, Google, Discord, Twitter, Facebook, etc. could all spin up map/reduce searches across all their channels, groups, links, results... for any wordlist you'd care to provide.
If a flagged word is used past a certain frequency, the channel can be closed, the page can be delisted, the accounts can be banned, or the site can be terminated. So clean, simple, and really quite easy.
They can even just start with the really really awful words if you like.
But they don't do this. Generally speaking they (at least historically) tend to support the ability of people to say Bad Things on the internet! You can even enter these Bad Words right into the front page of the world's biggest search engine and get hundreds of millions of hits in 0.33 seconds.
Yet somehow a channel of particular notoriety which is causing serious financial damage to some very Important People can disappear in an instant, maybe even right on the day of its peak exposure, and those trivially, easily, obviously detectable Bad Words can be blamed.
And no one even has to think too hard about if that was really what just happened here. Because who would ever step up, particularly in our current political environment, to say that anyone or any channel used to espouse such Bad Words (or Wrong Think) should be tolerated?
It all just seems so implausibly convenient.