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> the fact that five years /have/ passed and Python 3 is still a silly pipe dream for almost all users of Python should tell you something about how poorly this was done.

So far, it has been just how it was meant to be. It was never the goal for Python 3 to be the default Python version by year 2011.

I work with Python 2.x on a regular basis. I have no cause to recommend Python 3.x at this point in the game. Depending on Ubuntu 12/13's choices , I may push my team towards moving away from Python altogether.

I don't see that the Python team really made the right choice here. I have no good transition path from 2 to 3 besides an intensive rewrite.

What matters is whether or not the new version is a realistic option for new projects. It is not. That can't be the goal and if it is, the goal is crap.

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