The best choice is always what the team has the most confidence with their skill set on delivering. Your framing is unhelpful. You can build amazing things with both React and .Net patterns. If you're on a deadline, you should probably stick with what you know. Every language and framework has different tradeoffs.
I was reacting, emotionally, to the blaming of the old guard.
I do think that Java Script frameworks would be great if they were stable. And for enterprise software - for any sensible definition - stability is a very important criterion.
But it is easier to write than it is to read so they keep reinventing the wheel, keep making new, not better, things.
I think the benefit of the new javascript frameworks, in particularly React + Typescript, enables complicated webapps. Facebook is probably the best example of enterprise scale.
The problem with the javascript ecosystem (other than javascript itself) is that browsers constantly change and webapps are expected to be increasingly sophisticated. The stacks can't really settle down until our expectations of what they should do stabilizes. I feel that's why we seen much less churn on the backend.