<snip> What was really incredible was how everyone I spoke to involved in these cases (even though not at all connected with one another) had an identical story: they'd all love to take their cases to court, but they're waiting for the government to actually get in touch with them. </snip>
There's much more information in the article where the author says many involved want to take the government to court over the domain name seizures but the government stalling the process as long as possible.
His post looked like an axe to grind against lawyers with a suggestion of how to avoid them.
There is some missing information as under certain conditions the US gov can be sued for damages and you do not have to wait for the gov response as you can ask the court judge to demand the gov to respond.
The question is what information are we missing as google.com at times display links to files on rapidshare, etc and yet its domain names were never seized by ICE but instead a negotiation between Google, ICE, MPAA, etc happend instead??
Please read the article.