This is sad to see. More context on BugTraq (it looks like the wiki page has already been updated with this note):
Obviously it isn't a replacement for having the list but at least the information can be retained. I would appreciate if others can pin it as well to spread the failure domain.
Bugtraq is partly responsible for how a lot of us little hackers grew up. It helped give birth to Full Disclosure, which became an ethos that shaped our squishy little brains.
Sometimes you need to do what the powerful call wrong in order to make something right. This idea grew, until a tiny army of little newbie black hats came forth, incompetently causing mischief on the net. This scared executives enough that infosec eventually became a thing. At first we were all just nerdy degenerates getting wasted in a shitty hotel in Las Vegas. And now those degenerates are working in the White House.
I remember the first time I sent a reply to bugtraq. I was using a friend's server and linked to a tarball for a set of tools. He called me pissed when the box in his room started spinning like crazy. He pulled the DSL connection after it woke him up. This was before the /. effect was a common problem.