So, totally disinterested question, can you name those companies paying well for Elixir in Europe? :)
Otherwise I agree with a good part of your post. For CRUD work I feel way more productive with PHP/Symfony than with Elixir/Phoenix, especially for outputting HTML. Part of it is the DX with the templating and type hinting but also the unbeatable amount of libraries and manpower behind the language and framework.
Otherwise the plugin for Jetbrain's IDEs works OK for me (but again it can't beat the Symfony plugin with PHPStorm features).
Otherwise I agree with a good part of your post. For CRUD work I feel way more productive with PHP/Symfony than with Elixir/Phoenix, especially for outputting HTML. Part of it is the DX with the templating and type hinting but also the unbeatable amount of libraries and manpower behind the language and framework.
Otherwise the plugin for Jetbrain's IDEs works OK for me (but again it can't beat the Symfony plugin with PHPStorm features).