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Learning Elixir and starting to use is in projects is at the top of my TODO list for 2021. I tried to get into a while back, but being unfamiliar with functional programming concepts at the time really got me. Learning a new language and trying to grep FP at the same time was too much for me :)

Now, I'm more well versed in FP in general, and I'm excited to give it another go! Everyone I've talked to who uses Elixir on a regular basis or professionally absolutely gushes with excitement and joy when they talk about it!

Well done, and thank you Jose!

Come by and check out https://elixirforum.com/ and slack https://elixir-slackin.herokuapp.com/ everyone is super friendly and helpful.

* edit: fixed link

I'm getting an error on that Slack link - https://elixir-lang.org/ links to https://elixir-slackin.herokuapp.com/ which I think is the right one?

The one from https://elixir-lang.org. I think I incorrectly copied it from slack.

Cool I’ll check it out thanks

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