Many people have <1TiB on their machines and are content with it.
Others, like me, have home NAS's which have 10-20TiB, and they're usually close to full.
Fewer people, but a non-zero amount, hoard data, they have 20-100TiB or even more, full on homelabs.
If you're a person collecting datadumps or running rainbow tables, you probably have such a unit. It's not even that expensive really, you can get a 24TiB Pegasus Thunderbolt raid array for <1,000 USD
The raw files off my D5600 are roughly 30MB each. If I took 100 photos a day, I would need +1TB every year to keep all of them. The battery is good for about 600 shots. Someone who does photography professionally can easily blow right past that on one job before accounting for their second shooter's files.