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Someone put together an animated heatmap of Parler photo locations along the Mall throughout the day of 1/6: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/kvx88n/oc_...

Even better, here are the videos along with their locations:


That's hilarious. Some trumpian complaining about furniture in offices while people are homeless on the streets


Neglating to remember his president has been in charge for 4 years

The guy coughing at 1m34 too!

Rioter 1: "They just hit that dude"

Rioter 2: "Yeah because he was being a prick"


18 seconds

Woman takes of mask to tell camera "It's amazing". Cameraman says "put your mask on I don't want anyone to see you"

Oh man that last one is right up there with the don’t tread on me lady getting treaded on in hilarity.

35% of the country looks at the videos and says "yeah, must be antifa"

>>Someone put together an animated heatmap of Parler photo locations along the Mall throughout the day of 1/6

Showing that people posted videos from the rally at the Monument and then went to the front of the Capitol buildings. Note that many on site participants reported there was no cell or data service at the Capital, so they were not coordinating with Parler, just reporting.

The heat map might generate hypothesis but conclusions that Parler users or demonstrators as a whole did anything other than asserting rights under the 1st amendment do not necessarily follow from the data[1].


That graphic is interesting to me, as it illustrates what the view is like at the 3-letter-agencies control centers, who have been slurping up our data for years.

Debatable; this is low hanging fruit.

Turn off or strip EXIF data -- most sites do anyway -- and this wouldn't happen.

What I find astonishing is that—at least according to that heat map—it appears that bordering on 100% of the people using Parler in DC that day we’re part of the riot / coup / insurrection.

This isn’t an app that’s in widespread general use but just so happens to also have a few bad apples using it too. It’s instead almost exclusively used by what would appear to be the most radical wing of the Trump party. Almost every single person using it during that period attended Trump’s speech and/or participated (in some way, shape, or form) in an assault on the Capitol that day.

> What I find astonishing is that—at least according to that heat map—it appears that bordering on 100% of the people using Parler in DC that day we’re part of the riot / coup / insurrection.

These are location from pictures. Of course almost all pictures are of the riots instead of some boring random street in Washington DC.

Even people who are not part of it will take pictures simply because it is a major event and nowadays, every time something interesting happens, there are people to take pictures. You are probably going to find similar heat maps on more mainstream social networks.

> at least according to that heat map—it appears that bordering on 100% of the people using Parler in DC that day we’re part of the riot / coup / insurrection.

Are you sure it's not just a heat map of only those videos?

DC voted 93-5% for Biden. Not gonna be many native Parler users there.

OPSEC 101: blend in, don't look suspicious. By banning these communities from the regular media (Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, ...), they need to gather via "anything goes" path where 'freedom of speech' protects their hate speech, such as bulletproof hosting. Which is expensive, and of which all traffic to/from is suspicious by default. Its essentially akin to Bitcoin mixing, or avoiding Monero.

This was exactly my take away from the heat map. If that's all the GPS coords from video taken on Parler that day than it looks to be exclusively used by those supporting/participating/sharing the riot on the US Capital.

Some people stayed just outside of the capital and didn't necessarily do anything wrong.

I mean, look how DC voted in the last election.

The same way it has since I’ve been alive. What’s your point?

that a DC citizen is exceedingly unlikely to be a Parler user unless they're an external protestor or a congressperson (or congressional staff, I guess).

Wow this is a powerful way to word it.

"Authoritarians never believe they're authoritarians, no matter how much censorship, surveillance, jingoism, & imprisonment they demand.

They tell themselves their enemies are so uniquely evil and dangerous - terrorists - that anything done in the name of fighting them is noble."

Indeed. Greenwald helped Snowden; he has the chops to see what's going on. To wit, his subsequent tweet:

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald Jan 11

Do you know how many of the people arrested in connection with the Capitol invasion were active users of Parler?


The planning was largely done on Facebook. This is all a bullshit pretext for silencing competitors on ideological grounds: just the start.

That tweet seems to be incorrect.


> Hi Glenn, I'm wondering if you would be willing to delete this tweet and issue a correction both on Twitter and your newsletter since a number of the people arrested last week, including Jacob Chansley and Nicholas Ochs, were active users of Parler. Thanks!

Afaik, Greenwald was told the above by Parler CEO. Greenwald then proceeded to uncritically believe that.

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