I worked at a Second Life consultancy for a while (yes, they exist) and I naturally felt obliged to "get into" the game. I spent hours exploring and building and chatting but never found any joy in it. It is an ugly, hollow and seedy world.
The Minecraft comparison is a good one. There is a world with purpose: to survive and ultimately control nature. It perfectly indulges our most primal instincts.
In contrast, everyone is a god in Second Life and the world is empty. For some reason, this ultimate power is used to recreate the most mundane and tasteless aspects of reality:
- Consumerism -- SL citizens love buying clothes, furniture and other useless junk even when they can create anything themselves.
- Lame commercial "theme parks" like McDonalds Island etc. Even the ones that should be interesting, like NASA, fail to either educate or entertain since the medium of static 3D models is generally terrible at both.
- And of course, vice: kinky sex, gambling, pyramid schemes, and spam. These things made up most of the metaverse, last time I was in it.
By far, the most interesting thing about SL was the elaborate and imaginative attacks on the world e.g. self-replicating objects, and the equally elaborate countermeasures used to fight back.
I guess the lesson is that a virtual world needs to find a balance between innate meaning and open ended creativity. SL is one extreme, the other being MMOs that involve too much carrot-chasing to interest most people.
There is (was? I haven't been to SL for a couple of years) a thriving live music community.
Have you played in front of the crowd ? I did - and even if the crowd is virtual, it's a pretty cool feeling.
My employer did rather successful seminars/meetings in SL.
There was also a research that the virtual worlds are a sort of therapy for the autistic folks (http://goo.gl/iaOH7)
Finally, a small story I heard from someone.
A couple walks into the "club" in secondlife. They ask the DJ to put on a particular song and start dancing. When the music finishes, they thank the DJ and the woman explains - "It's the first time in 20 years that we're dancing. My husband can only move in the wheelchair".
That story alone is a sign that SL has served and is serving its purpose. And that everyone can find the different things.
As for your points:
- "...even when they can create anything themselves." - Much the same way as everyone can make a painting, or a poem, or a song. They can, but to be good you need to devote the time to it.
- "Lame commercial "theme parks"..." - these are companies that did not get the potential of the secondlife, and treated it like a video game - hired the consultants to build what they thought would look good - which they did. But they did not put a life behind those constructs. Ergo, lame theme parks.
- "vice". Participating in the pyramid scheme in SL and learning about it in a painful way by losing a few hunderd dollars is way better than putting all your life savings into the banking scam in real life. And if a kinky sex with a virtual stranger averts even one occasion of the aggression in real life - that'd be great, isn't it ?
As for attacks - lots of it is the same /b/chan crowd that plays the pranks in real life - it's all for lulz of disturbing others. So I do not see a whole lot of interesting there.
As for the "interesting" technical part - opensim (opensimulator.org) was (is?) a pretty fun project, it recreated to a larger extent the server side of the second life.
So, to summarize - I think there's more to it than it seems. :)
Actually, Minecraft model and appeal is different, because it's a game which is mostly geared towards your inner will to create, assemble, like a kid (or, you know, grown up kids) with Lego bricks.
SL has two sides, the creator side is one, but most people, like you describe, are here mostly to "be" in a different world, and chat, not to create or shape it.
Creating something in Minecraft takes a few minutes, you hit blocks to gather them, you reassemble them somewhere else.
In SL, to create, you have to be in a place which allows you to create (most likely one you rent, or a sandbox). You have to know how to create, and the learning step is quite high. You have to pay actual money to upload any texture or mesh to the game.
So the "god" possibilities are high, but not accessible to most of people. Minecraft is the opposite on this point.
I have spent some time in IMVU, and my impression of the culture is, ah, poor.
- Utter consumerism (this is how the company makes their money) - people shop for clothes. Typically the styles are not very creative, mostly variants on a couple motifs.
- Massive vice, mostly directed towards sex.
Unfortunately, IMVU has no ability to direct team action. No creation, no group games, no monsters. That makes me kind of sad. I'd like to grow my world, instead of simply living in a theme park. It's fairly empty experience when you're just idling in a 3d level.
A. Second life has not failed. From what I hear about it, it is actually a pretty lively community and it makes plenty of money for Linden. Actually even the author of the post admits that SL has not failed.
B. The writer completely misses the point when comparing SL to a video game. The entire point of SL is that the users should be able to build the world. Yes, this results in less than ideal environments, yes if an engineer designed the world there would be less polygon popping, better cache utilization, better hidden loading times, etc., but you would get a video game. Not the crazy world that second life is.
From my very brief foray into it, I have to say that SL has completely succeeded in doing what it aimed to do. It has grown a very involved community and they have built their own world or worlds. And of course most of second life is beset by weird and bizarre things and people, but then again, if you think about it, that was to be expected.
The above being said, it is actually a very interesting technical problem to do the optimizations you usually expect in video games for a completely user designed world like Second Life.
In a video game when you have something seen from far away (for example a city seen as you approach by air) it is usually specifically hand designed by artists to be seen from far away. Once you come close, you will see what seems to be the same buildings but they will be different renderings designed to look good up close.
Of course Second life cannot do that because people create and break down buildings all the time, so they cannot have artists render the town from far away all the time.
But what could be done is to have an engine specifically blend details and combine polygons in a way similar to the way objects blend in distance as seen by the human eye. This would make both the world more realistic and the networking load lighter as fewer polygons need to be transferred.
This is an interesting possible improvement that SL does not do. But to the best of my knowledge no other computer game does it either, so you cannot blame SL for this.
"The entire point of SL is that the users should be able to build the world. Yes, this results in less than ideal environments, yes if an engineer designed the world there would be less polygon popping, better cache utilization, better hidden loading times, etc., but you would get a video game. Not the crazy world that second life is."
You haven't seen Minecraft then, have you? The users, in fact, can build the environments on their own, and the game loads and runs at a playable speed.
Perhaps Minecraft has greater "video gameness" than Second Life, but couldn't the designers of Second Life have focused on user experience instead of delivering laissez-faire, polygon jungle? Although Second Life wouldn't fare well reverting to voxels, there are other approaches to optimize a user-developed game experience and maintain flexibility; it seems the developers aren't looking hard enough, if at all.
I have seen Minecraft, but it's graphics and detail are nowhere near to what second life has. Again some people like video game like responsiveness, some people like better graphics. It would be ludicrous to design and shop for clothes in minecraft, for example, but a lot of people enjoy doing that in SL.
> Of course Second life cannot do that because people create and break down buildings all the time, so they cannot have artists render the town from far away all the time.
Actually they can. It's entirely to generate levels of detail automatically and get good results. The open source program MeshLab, for example, (http://meshlab.sourceforge.net/) includes code to do this.
Ah, but that would require support for mesh-built objects, no? Second Life mesh support is promised RSN.
OpenSim has some mesh support, but is I think, somewhat hobbled by SL compatibility concerns.
I've never tried Second Life, but I'd be very surprised if they're not representing shapes internally as some kind of 3D mesh: it's an important technique for getting decent performance on modern graphics cards. If they are doing that, then that's sufficient for them to be able to do automatic LOD calculations too.
If anyone is tempted to click through to the article, be warned that its just a rant about how Second Life's engine sucks. It doesn't analyse anything about the world's systems at all, or even whether it's a success/failure at what it set out to do.
Yes, but the title is enough for people to agree before clicking. Good choice, I guess.
Myself I was also expecting a more detailed article about the economy, the communities... And it's just a basic rant about the time it takes to load items.
I'm a little surprised at the general SL hate going on here, mostly from people who have never actually done anything in it. I haven't logged on for a while, but when I was involved a few years ago I had a great time building multi-agent systems inside of SL and pushing the limits of what their environment can do. For example, here is a multi-agent ant simulation I did a few years ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehEzRUu4_RM I also wrote self-synchronizing virtual fireflies and physics simulations.
For a programmer, it's a 3D, multi-user IDE where you can learn new programming techniques in real time with your friends. Yes, people also use it for weird things and porn (unlike the rest of the Internet). But there's quite a lot of genuine art, talent, and learning going on in there as well, and I still think it holds a lot of potential as a medium to teach people to program while "playing a game."
I agree. I've used eventlet, a concurrent networking module for Python made by Linden Lab I believe. It was cool to see how helpful the developers are to answer your questions on IRC. It helped me a lot with my project.
> In July of 2005, when I created my account, Second Life was the cool new thing. Moving between regions was kinda wonky, loading textures and objects was slow, and it was pretty ugly when compared to other games of the time; but it was generally assumed that these were teething issues, which would be quickly sorted out as new versions of the software were released.
No, Second Life was not the cool new thing back in 2005. It was never cool. It was always lame, and its popularity was always inexplicable. Why did companies like Amazon hold virtual meetings there? I don't know. Maybe some manager had a thirteen year old son who thought it was cool. But the thirteen year old kid was wrong.
Perhaps one of the things to learn is that for things (games, creating world, etc) to be really interesting, the constraints are just as important as the power to create. Basketball wouldn't be all that interesting if you could just do whatever you wanted; oil painting is more interesting than photography because it is so much harder than pointing and clicking (sorry for the cheapshot, but you see my point); automatically generated music is never as cool as something that sounds like the composer struggled to make it happen. I think we re-live the creative process with its challenges when we experience real art (you can feel the challenge in a hard guitar solo, for instance); if there is no challenge for the creator, there is no human experience for the audience to share. So, yawn, another sexbot/ big building/ etc.
I always cringe when I hear Ira Flatow remind Science Friday listeners they can participate in the conversation via "phone, email, facebook, twitter and Second Life"..
Why? The folks listening together in Second Life are generally more science-literate than average, so the discussion going on in chat (text) makes the whole experience very engaging. It's something like the chat room associated with Leo Laporte's TWiT network. It's fun, and as a bonus, Science Friday gets feedback and many good questions.
Maybe not failed as such, but I'd agree with the author that SL tech has suffered an apparent stagnation for a quite a while now. Indeed there has been a long festering complaint on SecondLife forums that Linden Lab has added various sugary features without addressing core performance concerns. This may or may not be fair, but that seems to be the general impression.
Large draw distances, high particle & script counts and more than a few dozen avatars in a single region all tend to result in poor performance and user experience. And the platform appears to be quite sensitive to the usual concerns of bandwidth and GPU. As a longtime SL user I'm not surprised at the issues described by the author.
Linden Lab itself has seen a number of shaky management changes (founder + CTO out, new CEO, founder back, founder out again, etc) and this may have taken some toll on engineering efficacy.
That being said, I think that innovation on the SecondLife platform will be forced by pressure from the furiously advancing OpenSim project, an open source, reverse-engineered version of the SL "backend" that is usually described as "the Apache of the open metaverse".
Basically, SecondLife, though filled with an amazing amount of wonderful art, code and creativity, won't last another 8 years without somehow opening up and keeping up with the explosion happening just outside its walled garden.
I wish a startup would learn from Second Life's issues and try to execute the original vision. I think Minecraft has proven the widespread appeal of building and inhabiting virtual environments other than the traditional MMO.
I don't know whether these things are doomed to failure, or whether it's just a matter of getting the rules right.
I had a look around Second Life a few years ago when it was at the height of its media coverage. And it was just filled with crap. There was nothing there except brothels and shops to sell you stupid clothes.
The most interesting thing I found was an attempted replica of San Francisco, but after riding around on a cable car for five minutes I remembered that I live near the real San Francisco.
I can't see any point in having a second life that is less interesting than my first.
I can't see any point in having a second life that is less interesting than my first.
That's what everyone building a virtual world has to think about: how to make the new world more appealing than the world customers already know. Most new online worlds become appealing by being more inviting communities than the generality of each user's haphazard subset of real-world meatspace. I'm enjoying Facebook much better than I expected to, because it is, well, filled mostly with my friends. I was surprised to see that the author's comments in the submitted blog post were largely about the bandwidth limitations on Second Life's graphical representation of its virtual world shown to users, rather than about the community formed there. If people like a community well enough, they will put up with a pure text interface--as I have seen in my own experience.
So the blogger's noticing that Second Life's owners would rather make money with willing users who deal with the current interface than spend a lot of money to upgrade the interface makes sense. But I'm not sure that I can agree that that is a "failure," unless the purely technical exploit of worldwide, interactive, real-time virtual reality would build some new kind of more appealing community.
Yes, I admit that despite having read the article before commenting, I nonetheless decided to reply to what I thought the article should have been about rather than what it was about.
Because really, who wants to pay real money to allow a bunch of polygons to get a new hat and a lapdance from a robot?
With due respect, hugh3, I don't think you looked very hard.
I quit SL a few years ago, because it just wasn't doing it for me, but even while I was still there, there were actually quite a few interesting communities with good design and some immersive role-play going on. You did have to look around and filter out a lot of crap to find things that were at all interesting, I grant that. But your assessment seems overly harsh.
I have about the same amount of experience with Second Life as you do.
My take at the time: Second Life might be better if the real estate were at least ten times more expensive. As it was, it felt like the Asimov's Naked Sun MMORPG, only emptier. Lots of ugly buildings, each in the center of a giant empty lot, with no real attempt to relate one building to the next -- why bother, when land was so cheap? And no people that I could find. I wandered around, even did a little flying, and then I finally found another avatar... and it was a sexbot. A very poorly programmed sexbot.
What is the original vision? As far as I can tell it was chatting with avatars that resembled real people. What does that get you? A few underpopulated pretty environments, lots of chat, and people having virtual sex with their virtual bodies (most likely because their RL bodies are not quite as appealing).
Basically, there is no compelling storyline beyond "present yourself as better looking as you are in real life." That's why vibrant virtual worlds are normally based around games, which have compelling story lines around which the social atmosphere grows, rather than simply glorified chat services (which in the opinion of many are worse than other chat services since they provide an additional unneeded function).
I never got into Second Life, but a coworker proposed crazy idea - Second Life is basically an editor! At the time we had to support Radiant for our games (I still do, a bit pain in the ass). But anyway - as crazy as it might sound, there are already tools/engines that would allow more than one people editing the world. Now with Second Life's ingame "editor" you wont be able to make an FPS, but it's not that far away.
So I installed just for the fun of it, played 15 minutes or so. But multi-player games never appealed to me (one exception is Heroes of Might and Magic hot-seat - it's real social multiplayer as people do take turns - especially fun when this goes for more than 24 hours, and everyone is pretty much drunk, smelly, some very tired, some can't stop laughing)
One idea I had is to create sort of a shared 'virtual-emacs' style 3d world where creating and doing new things was to write/execute functions (yes that's remote code execution).
I didn't feel up to putting enough time for something that probably only hardcore nerds would like though, so I didn't pursue it.
As mentioned by others, SL isn't a game, so of course it won't compare well with games.
Linden Lab (the makers of the Second Life platform) is a profitable company with about 250 employees. In fact, their latest quarter was their best yet, according to a recent blog post:
Of course, most of the content in SL wasn't made by Linden Lab, it was made by the SL users (residents). Because there's an internal economy (where content creators retain the IP rights in all content created for SL), there's a competitive market for quality content. Top-quality content has improved greatly over the years. To get a sense of it, check out the latest Best of SL magazine:
The SL vision is audacious: to create a real-time simulation of a malleable world based on our own physical world, but better (e.g. you can fly). Of course, the characters in SL aren't simulations, they are real people (except for a handful of bots), so they're interesting in all the ways people are interesting.
As for user numbers, nobody says "Facebook has 650 million active people, but San Francisco has less than a million, therefore SF is a failure." That would be absurd. (The active user base of SL is about the same as the population of SF.)
Since this article is only about the technical side, let's add to this.
Another game has the same issue with loading times and general performance: The Sims series, until the 3rd.
The Sims 2 was excruciatingly slow when you had lot of elements on screen, even of fast computers.
The reason? It's a game in which people make their own "levels", by adding items, which can even be of external source. So it's hard to really scale for it like for other video games.
The Sims 3 is faster, improved performance a lot, mostly because it is streaming as much as it can, now. Most of the time you will see dirty loading polygons, blurry textures, before it loads. Because that's the only way to deal with a level on which you have no control.
The issue is the same with SL, with the increased fact that people can really create anything, import meshes, make objects from thousands of polygons. And they can run scripts in each of these polygons, potentially able to launch scans of the whole area several times per second.
I'm not saying that this is as optimized as it can get. But it's far from being a "laziness" issue. The basic problem doesn't really have an "easy solution".
Second life failed, in the sense that it never gained mass popularity in the same way that social networking did, for a variety of reasons.
i) It's mostly deserted
ii) It's not easy to find your friends, or people who you might want to become friends with. There are no friend suggestions or other mechanisms to encourage network effects.
iii) Commercial barriers are everywhere. If you want to do anything of significance, such as build a virtual house, you have to pay real money up front - and often not insignificant amounts either.
iv) The default avatars are unattractive, with poor animation. This might seem like a minor point, but I bet many new users have turned away from SL because of this.
v) New users are often subject to derrision or "griefing". The initial experience is typically not very enticing. I can attest to this personally.
vi) The user interface is awful. Recent version have improved, but SL still needs someone to redesign the UI to make it easier and more intuitive to use.
I used to work on few streaming games (Spiderman 2, Ultimate Spiderman for example). I had to do the file I/O, some decompression (only for PS2, lzo running on the IOP chip).
But what he talks is balooney. Now I wasn't directly involved with how the levels were made (they were in segments, I believe kind of like hexagonal, more likely brick style layout, with a big strip every one in a while). Every such brick or strip would get asynchronously loaded.
Okay, now how to get that fast on console? Well first, your data has to be precooked, at minimum only pointers should be fixed up. No "new"/"delete"/"malloc"/free" - you load it in a buffer, and it's almost initialized (without the pointer fixup).
Then problems - say for example Spidey goes towards one of the bricks - you should start loading the neighbouring bricks too, but as soon as you know more about where he's going you should start CANCELing these I/O requests. And better if your system really supports them (or if not so, read in less chunks, or find the buffer size that the I/O controller or OS is splitting the request into - for Xbox I think it was 128kb).
Then make sure that you get as much as possible I/O asynchronous requests per frame from the levels, sound, etc. and for a DVD (and maybe for HDD) do an elevator sort - e.g. start from somewhere and always take the next request that is closer to the previous ones (sometimes that's tricky, as by the time you want to start the next one closer, and the head is already on something further away).
Then the biggest pain is that on burn media you get one results, while on GOLD discs another. Mainly because of how CRC checksums are put - I believe it was for every 32 sectors (or 16), while on the burn was a bit different.
Then you might experience problems, where the japanese PS2 version of the console just reads badly, hopefully your devkit has the same problem, so you know you would run in to.
And not forget - check which mode would work better for you - constant angular velocity, or constant speed. In the first you get slower results in the middle (I think it was the beginning of the disk), rather than the end - somewhere (ballpark figure) 1-2mbs/s vs 3-4mb/s
And find decompression algorithm that decompresses faster than what you reading (I was able to get lzo with some small unaligned write assembly optimizations) and have uncompressed speed of 5-6mb/s instead of only highest 3-4mb/s.
So my problem with the article? He's not even talking about the simple things I explained. Believe it's that's only the scratch in making streaming game (Look what Naughty Dog did, when they could not load the level in time - the character would trip and hop - now that's very good solution, but really tied with your gameplay).
In our case, we had testers banging out what Spidey's maximum speed could be, so we can adjust the levels - some of the levels he had to do some quick missions, and pop-ups were never allowed (it was considered bug).
I worked on True Crime: Streets of LA which had similar streaming gameplay and also worked on Blizzard's upcoming next-gen MMO, so I know a bit about this as well.
All those considerations you mention are true (and I remember them fondly), but I think the problem here is that whatever budgets are imposed on player-creators are not adequate. As I think the author implies, the problems are authoring guidelines and asset design.
I don't even know if there are texture, vertex or other budgets imposed in Second Life, but I can tell you for sure that they were a big part of art creation in True Crime. The areas like Hollywood Boulevard with lots of recognizable buildings were really taxing on those budgets, but they made them work. Without those guidelines, even experienced artists can overshoot the mark.
Ideally, within Second Life, these creative limitations can be integrated into the game, so that it gets increasingly expensive to claim a large amount of an area's graphical resources.
Hi Zach! I miss the luxoflux bunch (I had to help briefly on the first True Crime with the xbox audio, and we pretty much stole all the QA from you guys for Spiderman, which I think is what killed TC:LA (not enough testing))
I really don't know when comes to creative decisions (I'm very bad at that). At the end of the day I can only say we can stream this much and this much (say max 1 stereo stream for music, 6-7 mono voices occasionally, and rest for streaming geometry,t exture).
So part of all this was adjusting, testing to get it right. This is what the author misses - user provided content would never get the same amount of testing, as there is simply no money behind that. For that reason they should limit themselves as much as possible. But I'm begining to go into waters I've never been (never worked on MMO, so what the hell do I know :))
Cheers! I think we met, or at least said Hi couple of times, when walking by! (I'm still at Treyarch)
Oh yeah, Malkia! I'm sorry I didn't recognize you, big guy. Jeff Lander was so thankful you came in, he wanted to kidnap you to keep you at Luxo! You were great!
Yeah, we had some crazy QA requirements for True Crime. It blows me away that there were parts of the map maybe only driven through a few times (we didn't have the resources to do that many complete drivethroughs - 240 square miles is just so big). We have so many "glitch videos" on YouTube I think it autocompletes the word glitch after our game's name!
But that's very true - the iteration was a huge part of the process and of setting those limits.
I couldn't imagine us not being able to go back to an artist and tell them it was chugging. I know some other studios did this thing where anytime the frame rate dropped below 30fps they put a bright red border up! We did fine with just a graphical meter and some really talented environmental artists.
That's another thing - the folks who made our environments got increasingly better at delivering stuff under our budgets, because they were constantly getting feedback about it. Without that, you just can't get the best quality.
This is a pretty lame comment. All he talks about is flying around randomly through the game with a very very large draw distance set.
Um, yeah, of course that maximizes issues with loading textures. Obviously. It's also not remotely close to the average game-playing experience in SL. It's not representative.
As others have pointed out, the article's title is linkbait. The actual article says:
1) Second life lets people design levels.
2) This gets very expensive in bandwidth a high draw levels.
3) This makes it 'unplayable.' (aka a failure)
Clearly its not the case that its unplayable since a lot of people play it. Also the geometry / texture issue is huge when moving from place to place, but manageable when you're in one area. Thirdly the big draw for second life seems to be weird sex acts which are probably mostly mental anyway.
It is one of the few attempts at creating a Metaverse. As the author points out there is a tremendous asset management problem if you try to stream everything from the server. It could be improved.
Given modern disk drives I'm sure you could cache locally pretty much everywhere you went with some lookaside cache code to invalidate local copies when meta-data indicated an update. The author alludes to something like that by asking for a better architecture.
Now it would have been a bit more interesting if it was written from the perspective of "this is what it does well, this is what doesn't work for me" and then go on to speculate or do the math on how one might improve it.
I was looking that the NoSQL dB space as a metaverse management plane. It could work although everyones view of the world would only converge, not instantly be the same. You could use something like MongoDB, it would be read-mostly for geometry. Back when I designed a castle building MMO (never shipped sadly) the textures were fixed (all clients had them) but you could paint them on different geometries. It reduced the bandwidth requirements to sending around vertices and a texture vector (id, origin, u and v vectors). It would be fun to code something up like that with the Unreal engine.
One line (one slider move) fix for him -- reduce drawing distance to less than 512m. This is also suggested as the first comment to his blog.
He basically cranked up the drawing distance until everything is grinding to a halt and decided to complain about how everything is grinding to a halt.
I guess there could just be a simple fix for this, benchmark the PC and the connection and don't let users crank up the distance to unplayable levels.
One possible solution would be server-side rendering (that is, sending rendered images to the client instead of assets): I still think it sounds completely insane, but there are lots of companies that claim to make it work. Since second life is not exactly top of the line, this ought to work.
But many in education are switching over to OpenSim (open source clone of second life) since it's free to host your own server and more hackable: http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Main_Page
I always found the appeal of Second Life pretty low until I went to a workshop last year on post secondary teaching, and was at a session on preparing people for the workplace as well as different forms of training (mental health care was one of the main examples). They used Second Life quite heavily in simulations for their learning programs, and it really looked like a fantastic tool.
I know, I know! The graphs are auto-scaled by windows task manager, since they're designed to be a UI element, not to be compared between sessions like I did.
However! In this case I have lied with graphs in a way that benefits the victim, since, in the context of the article it implies that SL can use much more bandwidth than it actually does, which is a good thing!
The Bureau Of Statistical Chicanery And Related Ballyhoo has reviewed your appeal and, based on the extenuating circumstances you described, has chosen not to revoke your blogging license...
This is a really disappointing take on Second Life. I don't know that it's more or less accurate than the truth, but I hope the author is wrong. I hope that the technology simply isn't there or that the infrastructure is simply lacking.
Perhaps if Second Life found a way to incorporate Bitcoin, they could attract some press again. Maybe IBM would hire an economist to create a virtual IMF, backed by Bitcoin reserves.
The Minecraft comparison is a good one. There is a world with purpose: to survive and ultimately control nature. It perfectly indulges our most primal instincts.
In contrast, everyone is a god in Second Life and the world is empty. For some reason, this ultimate power is used to recreate the most mundane and tasteless aspects of reality:
- Consumerism -- SL citizens love buying clothes, furniture and other useless junk even when they can create anything themselves.
- Lame commercial "theme parks" like McDonalds Island etc. Even the ones that should be interesting, like NASA, fail to either educate or entertain since the medium of static 3D models is generally terrible at both.
- And of course, vice: kinky sex, gambling, pyramid schemes, and spam. These things made up most of the metaverse, last time I was in it.
By far, the most interesting thing about SL was the elaborate and imaginative attacks on the world e.g. self-replicating objects, and the equally elaborate countermeasures used to fight back.
I guess the lesson is that a virtual world needs to find a balance between innate meaning and open ended creativity. SL is one extreme, the other being MMOs that involve too much carrot-chasing to interest most people.