Ham radio transmissions are not allowed to be encrypted per FAR 97.113(4). [1]
I suspect this is also a violation of FAR 97.113(3) "Communications in which the station licensee or control operator has a pecuniary interest, including communications on behalf of an employer"
Do the “part 5 experimental licenses” have that ham encryption restriction? It sounds like that at the very least are exempt from the ham station ID requirements. Are they actually ham operators, or other licensed entities permitted to use the ham bands?
Part 5 is not bound by ham radio rules, you can transmit anything according to certain rules, and if you use the Part 5 rules, you don't care about the rest of the rulebook.
I suspect this is also a violation of FAR 97.113(3) "Communications in which the station licensee or control operator has a pecuniary interest, including communications on behalf of an employer"
[1] https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=d4b3c60d2d60000a14...