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Is there something that’s reasonably close to Simple as a replacement?

I'm in the US Monzo beta. The app is super solid, has envelope budgeting features, can automatically divvy up your paycheck like Expenses. Hoping they open up invites before Simple shuts.

Ally Bank is nice. It doesn't have the same panache as a silicon valley startup app, but it is 100% online and a good experience generally.

They've been my main bank for a number of years, and I second this.

The APR on their savings account is generally either the best or among the best available, and the small handful of times I've had to call their customer support, they've been a pleasure.

People are mentioning One Finance on the Rediit thread. Not sure about the feature parity though.

I'm an engineer at One and would be happy to answer any questions people have.

Just opened up an account. App feels modern as heck. Awesome app, loving it. Keep up the work.

Nice! Thanks for the feedback.

I've not personally used it, but on another thread people have mentioned Envel Bank: https://www.envel.ai/

Chime is pretty good.

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