I feel like there should be some better way to recognize and promote solutions that are future proof. Like transpilers and site generators that only produce vanilla code for deployment. Because it wouldn't matter how dated the tool is. Sticking to vanilla only is not the only option.
But I guess there could still be vulnerabilities in HTML that may need to be addressed? Like cross domain or cookie security...
But then again, same for a vanilla stack.
It definitely seems like maximum future-proofness should be more of a thing.
The thing, auto-censureship should fit in, as well as the code a-n-d hardware life-lines, including how to reproduce the workflow outside of corporate claws.
But I guess there could still be vulnerabilities in HTML that may need to be addressed? Like cross domain or cookie security...
But then again, same for a vanilla stack.
It definitely seems like maximum future-proofness should be more of a thing.