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Ask HN: Who's looking for a co-founder?
224 points by notoriousarun on Jan 5, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 275 comments
I just stumbled upon an old Ask HN with the same topic from 2010 and I thought this could be useful to resurrect.

You should probably mention what you are working on, where you are located, what stage you are in, who you are looking for, what you can bring to the table and a way to contact you.

Hi, I'm Dustin, and I've been working on abstreet.org for about ~2.5 years to fight car dependency in cities. Aiming to explore and advocate for short-term transportation changes like creating low-traffic neighborhoods and fleshing out bike and bus networks, and moonshot ideas like congestion charging zones in city centers, superblocks, and zoning changes. Targeting the general public, rather than planners who've already got tools they trust, for education, gathering feedback, and prompting citizen advocacy.

We've been growing an open source & academic community fairly well, but I want to hire more full-time engineers, and money's becoming a limiting factor. Looking for a partner on the business and PM side, so I can focus on the technical. The huge disclaimer is that I'm unwilling to compromise on the project being open source, so I have no idea how to squeeze a business model in here. I've also done a terrible job so far of actually getting public transit / cycling advocacy groups on board, so the need for a PM is pretty severe to make sure we're building the right thing.

Contact on github or HN.

Hi Dustin, Dave here. I just spent the last 4 years building out a parking management software firm which was recently acquired by our largest PE backed competitor. In doing that, I raised money, handled all forecasting & accounting, ran all sales operations (municipal is mostly done via an RFP process) and managed the high level product roadmap from our strategic objectives backwards. Most importantly, I have experience in successfully building long term relationships & contracting with over 250 Cities across the US, which I believe will be key to success in monetizing your product long term. If you'd like to chat further, please shoot me an email at dhyj7771@gmail.com. I have some ideas for open-source first monetization I think might be useful to you, even if we don't find longer term synergy from a conversation.

Hi Dustin!

I saw your work on Hacker News last year and I forwarded it to a colleague of mine working in the academic side of Transportation Engineering. They found your work interesting and complemented on your visualizations.

If I could suggest something, it might be useful to reach out to professors at your local university whose research interests coincides with your software's application (you can shop around as well).

They can probably help you with the following:

1. Provide cutting-edge technology and ideas related to transportation engineering

2. Offer a method/connection to the local DOT or other agencies who may be interested in this as a decision support system (DSS).

3. Maybe even find a partner or... (and I think this might be a better option) help you establish a steering committee or a group of advisors who can then make recommendations to supplement your skillsets.

You might even be able to temporarily support your open source model through grant funding and application to different "cutting-edge" applied projects and, if you can, develop those technology in a generalizable way (a framework) to be used as a shiny feature for your application. Grow it up to be a one-stop-shop with the latest and greatest.

I'd be happy to discuss a bit more to help you navigate these waters.



P.S. regarding finding a partner for the business side, what might be useful is to reach out to the local universities in your area and see if their business college/program has a "founders meet-and-greet" program. At our current institution we have programs in place to connect founders with a business counterpart which has resulted in establishing some growing companies. In addition, you can probably take this opportunity to network with a few professors and (as an advisor) be willing to put their name to the product for technical knowledge/support.


Wow, thanks for the detailed ideas! I've resisted joining academia myself, but that shouldn't prevent finding partners there. Recently I started working with 3 transportation/civil engineering professors, and their expertise is already helping to fill some gaps with the project. I'll try more aggressively looking for more academics to loop in. UW in Seattle almost certainly has this sort of meet-and-greet; I'll poke around and see if they have anything happening online these days.

Thanks again! -Dustin

Hey Dustin,

Glad you've already working with some people in academia! I'm familiar with UW's Civil Engineering department and they have some great faculty members there who are very competent in what they do. That's awesome to hear!

As someone who is in academia currently, I can understand the hesitation. I'd like to clarify that I'm not suggesting you join academia, but simply use it as a vehicle to help with the initial networking of business partners and maybe use that as a resource to grow and get your "business-side" help that you're looking for. Basically a jumping off point. If you're already coordinating with a faculty member there, I'm sure they're more than happy to work with you.

Many universities also have technology transfer offices (moving the technology developed in-house/university level to industry) that might be able to support your aspirations. While their support is assuming that your technology is an IP from the University, they're very nice people and I think it might be useful to setup a meeting with them and chat with them regarding what advice they can offer. Also, they're incentivized to support students and the local community. To put it frankly, they're not there to screw you and aren't incentivized to. Universities recognize there are a ton of technical founders out there who are missing the business counterparts. While the university system (in my opinion) is slow to accommodate these needs, there are still initiatives and programs out there on the university's side that I think you can tap into.

One thing I've previously gotten support from is the I-Corps (Innovation Corps) program funded by NSF ([1] for National level and [2] for UW Level) which is targeted at technical founders who need a "bootcamp" on the business side. This includes building a business model, financial model, and also giving you access to potential investors. It won't replace someone who is experienced in business, but it'll give you the fundamental skills and initial knowledge to understand more of what you're looking for (at least for me). It also does come with $$$ but it's not a lot (and the money they do provide is mostly spent during the two months bootcamp trying to get customer surveys). By the way, while these programs are rooted in academia, they're open to everyone. You don't need to be affiliated with an institution to get these grants.

The meet and greet are perfect! I think Seattle is probably the perfect place for this type of work! From talking with colleagues here (this was before COVID), I heard the City of Seattle is very welcoming of new ideas and are happy to prototype new transportation technology. Not sure if things have changed, but I really like your application. It's fantastic.

Outside of academia, there are also programs that are available to get you started off the ground. VentureWell (office is in Massachusetts but I believe they have a nation-wide scope) has an E-team program [3] that's basically similar to NSF's I-Corps program but with different funding sources.

I really appreciate what you've done so far. It was one of the few things on Hacker News that I actually stopped scrolling and looked in-depth on. I wish I could throw my hat in the ring. I hope it continues to grow and I'd be happy to keep an eye on it!


[1] https://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/i-corps/ [2] https://comotion.uw.edu/what-we-do/icorps-grants/ [3] https://venturewell.org/e-team-grant-program/

Wow, that's a fascinating project. Wish you all the best.

Been working https://github.com/daptin/daptin since about 2 years

Goal is to build a opensource headless cms (did a show hn quite some time ago https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17357616 )

Recently built one of the end user product https://github.com/daptin/dadadash/ (will do a show hn soon)

Plan is to keep the cms opensource/free and monetize the products built on top of it

Located in India (mostly irrelevant imo)

Looking for someone with strong vision/execution on the non-tech side. My contact details in repo

I'm Anieke Lamers, Amsterdam based and am looking for a technical cofounder. If you know anyone who is interested, please share this link: https://www.notion.so/Tech-or-Product-oriented-cofounder-opp... Also feel free to like/share it on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/peekabond_tech-or-product-ori... About me: playful, eager, people-oriented hustler with 8+ years experience in investing in B2C and impactful tech scaleups. Passionate about remote kids bonding https://www.linkedin.com/in/aniekelamersnl/ Ask: Hacker/Hipster cofounder who is aligned on the company's values (eager, playful, ethical).

What exactly does playful mean in this context?

Seems like a great idea! Best of luck

I vote for making this AskHN monthly recurrent like the ones for jobs.

Don't worry, I'm planning to do this monthly.

Also, created a central repository (document) with all the info.

Everyone, please fill out this form with your info https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O0pFRvwvPkXtINcTkFPV...

That's great, but I believe the benefit of it being part of the official monthly posts is that it does not become a pet project of one person, but a core part of the community. Posting all of our info on a google doc doesn't have quite the same community vibe.

I'm working on a site called textmyapi.com (site's not up yet). It's a little SaaS platform that allows you to quickly define commands that can be sent over text messaging to invoke REST APIs. I got the idea when I was out camping and wanted to get some stats from an API that I had but I didn't have great internet connectivity, so I thought it would be fun to wire up my APIs so that I could hit them via text message instead of through a web interface.

I'm about 90% code complete with the MVP, would be fun to find someone else who is interested in this kind of stuff (preferably US based) and might want to help work on expanding the functionality or coming up with other interesting things to do with it.

Platform is React, Node, PGSQL.

my contact info is: recurry AT outlook DOT com

Cool idea. I played around with something using texting as the primary controller for users and I quickly found Twilio quite expensive. I stumbled upon SignalWire and it made the cost much more manageable for lots of small messages and for lots of individual numbers. Just wanted to mention it incase it is helpful to you!

Thank you, this is good news and would cut my MRR to a fifth of what I was looking at with Twilio. Shoot me your email address and I’ll give you a permanently free account when we launch.


Out of curiosity, how would this work in regards to the character limitations (160 characters I think?) in SMS? What if they're large responses? Is there a hard limit on the total number of text messages sent per request?

I use Twilio for the text messaging, and so they can handle up to 1600 characters per outgoing message request, and larger responses could also be broken into multiple response messages. Users can define LiquidJS templates on the system so that you can cut down the size of the response message if you only want to see certain fields.

an idea that might be useful.. you may split the outgoing channel from incoming channel ; it's usually the sending/outgoing that is slow/difficult (small device not able to transmit too far, think a phone in a rugged mountain). Some satelite-internet providers work this way, using satelite for the send direction and some other usual channel for the receiving. good luck

Hi rcurry, loved your idea and wanted to help you. I have already send to an email.

Cool idea. Wishing you the best of luck!

great idea!

I'm working on an app to create custom notebook layouts by drag-and-drop graphical widgets with the option to print on demand the result: https://notebookeditor.com/

I have a lot of ideas on how to improve it and I think there are many use cases, especially for creating custom educational materials. But I haven't found the product market fit until now and I don't have a clear plan on how to monetise it.

The 'front-end' product is 80% done but there is no 'back-end' yet - I'm still thinking if I should do it as saas or a standalone desktop/mobile app.

If interested, contact me at: alex @ myhnusername .com

PS. some of the images I used on the website are copyrighted and I didn't ask for permission or give credit. Sorry! I'll fix it asap.

This is fantastic. I'm not applying for the co-founder role, but I've added myself to the mailing list. Brilliant idea.

For what it's worth, I'd do it as a SaaS. 100%. Free to generate PDFs. Pay to print. Take a cut from each printing job, but outsource the printing and distribution.

I suspect you won't find a single mass market for this. The mass market is well served by generically designed notebooks.

Instead, you'll find a number of highly profitable niche markets. (Like the D&D crowd, the design crowd, the hacker crowd, STEM teachers, etc.) Judging by your homepage, it seems you're already on this track.

Because of this, your best bet (once developed or at least in early testing) might be to find a few brand ambassadors from each of those niches: a dedicated gamer, a well-known designer, etc. People who can introduce your product into their respective niches.

I'd also make sure the print quality is on par with Field Notes or Moleskin, to make sure you can command a good price.

Apologies for the unsolicited advice... just really into this idea.

Great advice!

The printing quality & shipping will be a problem and I was thinking to offer the print on demand just as a 'secondary' option, not a feature.

Probably it would be more profitable to create custom widgets and designs for companies or exporting the layouts as standalone, mini-apps - something like an UI/app editor (what you see is what you get) - that are also printable :)

> Probably it would be more profitable to create custom widgets and designs for companies or exporting the layouts as standalone, mini-apps - something like an UI/app editor (what you see is what you get) - that are also printable :)

So under this model, you'd be banking on printers to pay for the software? I could be wrong but I think that would be a mistake. I've worked with a lot of printers and I've never met one that felt like they needed innovation. Printing is an industry that begrudgingly accepts innovation when it's forced upon them.

On the consumer end of things, I suspect you'll struggle to get people to pay much for the use of the software itself. Many people might simply take inspiration from your work, then do it themselves if they're going to print it themselves anyway. But they would likely pay a premium for on-demand printing.

All that being said, I could be projecting. The aspect of this product that I would personally pay for is the ability to have my custom designed notebook printed and shipped to me. That's very valuable to me as a notebook lover. If I print it myself, the quality will suck. If I design it myself, it'll suck.

But if I can use your app to drag and drop beautifully-designed components and then have it magically appear at my door? Take my money, please.

That's my 2 cents, anyway. Good luck! I hope you find wild success with this no matter what direction you take, because the idea is that good IMHO.

I'm not targeting printers and I don't want to depend on them. If a user wants to print on demand his notebook, there will be that option (if possible).

Also, I'm not targeting consumers. Since the engine is already opensource, I don't have a problem making the whole app open.

"I would personally pay for is the ability to have my custom designed notebook printed and shipped to me" -> I think the core feature is how easily you can design your custom notebook. There are already p-o-d services and you can just use Photoshop or Word for editing. But they are too complex.

What I was trying to say is that, maybe, some companies would pay for custom widgets that hook to a db and display nice graphs & tables to quickly create business reports. But I don't think those companies care about p-o-d because they already have their own providers.

So far, the business model is: free everything except for the cloud storage (if any) and premium widgets & layouts. I would not add a premium over the p-o-d price since I have no control over the quality and I would offer it as a 'bonus', like an option to link the app to a 3rd party printer of your choice.

Anyway, thanks for the input, it really helped me! If you want to keep in touch, let me know.

> maybe, some companies would pay for custom widgets that hook to a db and display nice graphs & tables to quickly create business reports.

That's an interesting angle. I have no sense whatsoever about the demand for it, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a sizeable market for that idea.

> If you want to keep in touch, let me know.

I'd love to be kept in the loop for any updates. If the email list on your site isn't the best list, please add me. My email is my HN username @ google's email platform.

If you want similar thing instantly ive used https://www.trulymine.ink/ in the past. They are pretty but over time i've realized that "one usecase" notebooks are enough for me.

Thank you! Unfortunately that mailing list if full of random emails from people who thought they need an account to access the app.

great idea!

HN Folks!!

I'm planning to do this AskHN thread monthly.

Also, created a central repository (document) for storing all the info.

Everyone, please fill out this form with your info https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O0pFRvwvPkXtINcTkFPV...

Hi! I am Shrey, 17, and am looking for a co-founder for my AI and education startup. The aim is to 1. Build AI kits for beginners and anybody looking for a way to apply machine intelligence without having to code or hire a dev. This also includes building sensors, collecting data, building a model-zoo 2. Educate students about AI and how they can use it 3. Build a browser based training interface aimed at creatives.

Feedback appreciated, reach me via mail its.shrey.arora@gmail.com

Keep in mind that this is a very young project.

Nice project! I'm building something similar but not hardware related; instead, I'm trying to make AI accessible to creators and small businesses in web/desktop/mobile platforms. I have a vlog showing daily progress throughout 2021: https://www.youtube.com/user/jluraschi -- If you want to reach out, I'm at my jluraschi at gmail.com.

Hi Shrey,

What a great concept! If I knew more about ML/AI I'd be shooting you an email right now.

Keep it up, showing your peers your passion can only lead to inspire more people to become technologists.


I just launched https://noisycamp.com, an AirBnb for Musicians.

I'm trying to make it easier for music studio owners and musicians to reserve, pay and manage their practice spaces.

I just released the first version of the web app, and I'm starting to reach studio owners to create a base inventory of studios.

I'm looking for someone with strong sales and product skills, able to help me developing the business side of the project.

This is a cool idea. I searched a few major cities and didn't get any results though.

Thanks. I just launched the project last weekend. I'll start reaching studios in the next few days.

I'm throwing this out there on a whim. I have a neglected web property that has a small cult-like following of a few thousand members. It's a photo sharing community for a specific subject, with a moderator and community ratings and things like that.

I've had plans to take this property and use it as a proof of concept for a platform that will enable anyone to create this kind of photo sharing community. Kind of like a wordpress for photo sharing communities.

I'm currently busy with other projects, but If I can find the right person that can take my vision and run with it, I'd be willing to throw some serious resources into this.

I'm basically looking for a full-stack developer who can also do product development, OR a designer who can handle the product development and work with a remote developer.

If you're interested, email me at gregg@webstartup.com and tell me a bit about yourself, or reply here for any questions.

Hey HN,

For the last couple of months we've actually been working on a co-founder matching tool through Startup School. It's still an early alpha, but some members of our community have already found it very helpful. We've taken inspiration from online dating sites for some of the mechanics, but of course adapted the questions to expose the factors that we've found are most useful in a co-founder search.

If you'd like to give the service a try, create a profile on startupschool.org (it doesn't matter whether you choose the "active founder" or "future founder" track for this purpose) and then visit https://www.startupschool.org/cofounder_matching_profile

Feel free to check it out! If you have any user feedback, you can let me know directly at kyle@ycombinator.com

I am working on an iOS application whose goal is to deliver a "game show" like experience to peoples doorstep. Think of it as a hybrid between HQ trivia and lootcrates. Once a month, people will compete in a live action concurrent game show using their cell phones. A portion will be phone input related challenges and another will be a live action portion recorded via phone using the items that were shipped to them. They will not know what items they are using and or how they will be used until the night of the event.

I have an MVP for the application in TestFlight and have done some video work in premiere/after effects to try and create a video to be pitched on kickstarter. Just looking for someone who is passionate about the idea and thinks they could positively contribute.

If this interests you feel free to reply or dm on twitter in bio

Hi there, I'm Alex.

I'm a freelance engineer who works on devtools.

I am interested in data infrastructure, and just released a tool for analysing docker image disk usage https://github.com/treebeardtech/whaler.

My long-term goal is to create SaaS products which complement my open source contributions. Very happy to chat with others with similar goals.

https://twitter.com/AlexRemedios1 alex@treebeard.io

About you: You love working on problems that matter to future generations of humanity at scale, including education. You consider yourself world-class at digital content creation and/or community building. You love learning new things and can do it quickly. You consider no task to small or too large for you to do.

About me: I'm Karthik, based in NYC and work full time at Amazon (for now). I have a 3 yr old daughter and have thought deeply about education for the past 18 months. I've been working on HAX (http://learnhax.co), a digital cohort-based learning experience which makes learning life skills (e.g. personal finance, relationship building, etc) accessible and fun. I'm launching a private 4-week beta to ~25 ppl in mid-January. The north-star of HAX is a modern Boy/Girl Scouts accessible to everyone around the world. I love sports, watching re-runs, investing, and trying to stop myself from spending too much time on Twitter.

If the above sounds like you and I sound cool, would love to hear from you at karthik.senthil at gmail . Excited to hear from you.

If you want to read more of my thoughts on education, check out https://medium.com/@karsenthil/re-imagining-education-the-fu...

I'm looking for a co-founder/iOS Developer/vinyl record lover to continue working with me on https://www.discofm.cohttps://apps.apple.com/us/app/disco-fm-vinyl-audio-preview/i...

It's an app for vinyl record lovers currently live in the App Store with over 3000 downloads, daily usage and downloads and that has been featured in many music related websites such as Resident Advisor, Dj Mag, Mix Mag and many others.

Currently the use case is limited, but I've been working on new features and ideas that I'd be interested in discussing with a potential co-founder.

The vinyl record market is bigger than it seems (https://www.businessinsider.com/americans-spending-vinyl-rec... — sales in this article are based only on US and without all the used market, which is huge) and currently the only player in the game is https://www.discogs.com

If you're interested, or know anyone who might be, contact me at filippo@discofm.co

thats really cool. I'd like to help somehow, being a volunteer if needed.

Hi! Sorry, just saw this — please send an email at filippo@discofm.co

Sent an email :D

Alright, how about an honest-to-goodness new search engine?

I've been working on this piecemeal for a while. I want a completely new alternative in the search space. I think a lot of other people do too. I want to focus on highly personalized results from personal data sets: ingest people's bookmarks, crawl them, crawl their second-order links, and so on. I want discussions from HN, Reddit, and other publicly-accessible, heavily-moderated, active sites to frequently appear in search results. I want search results to be rendered in a modern, interactive interface that makes lists-of-links feel like 2010.

I resolutely do not want advertising revenue. For early stages at least, I'd like to keep it subscription-only. I know that is a big, big limiting factor to growth. I think there could be some other opportunities for revenue that don't require bending over for advertising. I could be open to other suggestions too.

I've got some approaches to try for ranking, I have most of a crawler, I've compiled lists of openly available datasets and shortcuts, a start on the frontend and backend, and great piles of notes and pieces from past experiments. I'm absolutely certain this is doable for a very small team.

I don't have any of the business side. I don't have any connections. I'm mostly pleasant and easy to get along with, and I can comfortably handle groups of technical or non-technical people. But, I have no idea how to find and make the kind of relationships that could get this built much faster, and even posting this here makes me awkward and uncomfortable. Maybe this is a good year for breaking bad old habits.

I'm currently doing freelance work at middling rates, living cheaply, and slowly chipping away at this project. I'd love to be able to work on it full time. I'm pretty sure I can build the entire stack, end-to-end, to MVP in about a year.

I'd really like to meet a good partner for the business side of things. Someone with strong ethics, that gets incensed when trying to find anything in Google or DDG, that sees value in building a whole new dataset rather than putting a new frontend on Bing, and can come up with the resources to accelerate the project. I'd be willing to consider YC if you think you can tip the odds in our favor. I don't have anything that would prevent me from committing to YC this year. But, again: no advertising.

Email in profile. I can receive mail pretty reliably, but replying to Gmail-owned infrastructure has been hit and miss recently.

That sounds amazing, best of luck. I’ve always wondered why “a billion search results” is considered valuable when nobody looks past the first page of google.

I'm not the person for this but the description of this project and your vision for it is extremely reminisent of an ongoing project of a good friend of mine. So much so that I had to double check your profile. He's also been chipping away at this for as long as I've known him. I will pass on your details.

Please do, thanks!

I think skip crawling the internet and do just the "personal search engine" thing, and then merge with bing-api or something.

Otherwise, have you really thought how'd you do distributed crawler & storage/cpu/ram/bandwidth for it ?

What will you be using for search-engine ?

looks promising, good luck

have a demo?

I've been working on a live streaming site for DJs and artists ( https://slipmat.io ) for past 4 years and the project is now in a state where it should probably be incorporated to get it to next level.

The current site is a state of the art basic streaming platform with a ton of bespoke functionality for artists, and I have lots of potential ideas for building new features for more higher end segment willing to pay for them (like gig booking and more interactive virtual shows).

This project is a very much an open source mindset and during last few months we’ve started to publish our first open source packages. My hope would be to be able to make everything sustainable as an open source project by the community for the community.

I’m looking for someone who could help me either build this forward or help with business side of things and raising money for building the business itself. I’m capable of handling the technical side of things but to get to next level we would need more both deep backend and frontend knowledge. I’m located in Finland, but everything in this project is set up to be remote first and location or timezones should not be a big problem.

Contact: ville @ project domain

Sorry to be of no help, but the platform looks really nice! Congrats & lots of success!

I have an early prototype of a site that allows people to chain together reasoning in a visual sense, which also propagates truth so that people can know if a conclusion is asserted to be valid/proven. This contrasts from the current definition of "argument mapping", and platforms like Kialo, in that it's more constructive, with logical machinery underpinning it. For instance, if someone has a conclusion that "Earth's atmosphere should stay below x anthropogenic GTCO2", or "SpaceX will be able to reach Mars by 2030", other people can then drill down through the argument until they get to simple axiomatic facts and values. The idea is that by doing so, people would either educate themselves if the argument is valid, or have the opportunity to specify exactly where they disagree (which would in turn propagate truth/proof state to the therefores that depend on that part of the argument), which is a respectful way of engaging with and perhaps strengthening the argument. In a social sense this could be useful for polarized communities to better understand each other over time. In a private sense (revenue opportunity) it could help organizations document the reasons behind processes, or make collaborative arguments for change that rely on deep first-principles reasoning.

This project is a little insane, as it relies on some optimistic assumptions about human nature that might just prove to be false - at worst, it is an opportunity to deeply explore an idea that requires some fun distributed-systems technology. I'm very much a tech/backend guy but it could evolve in a direction where I'd have to hire phd-level people. Anyway, I have a long list of features to develop before I get to real business planning, assuming I don't just eventually release it for free wikipedia-style, but what I'm mostly looking for now is a small group of people that are highly interested in following along (please explain your background and why you are interested if you contact me). I have a read-only prototype already pushed live, which allows exploration of existing arguments/conclusions, so as I make releases and update the changelog, I would like people that would like to follow along and make comments, and also perhaps give free U/UI advice, since there are a lot of challenges there in making a "new form of communication" feel intuitive. I'd imagine any possible cofounder arrangement would inevitably rise from that.

Just want to say that this is a wild idea and I really like it. I don't know how viable it is but it's definitely interesting.

Thanks. Believe me, I share the uncertainty so I regularly have to hold myself back from getting too excited about it. It is really fun exploring the tech in the meantime though.

Thanks for letting me know about Kialo. It takes a pro-cons approach breaking things down into modular claims. What's not enough?

A claim could be A->C

Supported by separate claims: Since A; A->B; B->C, etc?

More like, if it's that A and B are collectively sufficient to guarantee C, and A and B are true, then you know, visually, that C is proven. If one of A or B are contested and (validly) claimed false, then the truth/proof state propagates and you know, visually, that C is not proven.

And then yes, C can be used to support something else, so you can chain multiple together. Kialo - and really, the whole warrant/claim method of argument-mapping - doesn't have the concept of truth (or sufficiency, or necessity) built into the machinery.

It goes deeper than that, there's a distinction between syntax and semantics (or form and content) - all of these design decisions are driving exactly how the project evolves.

Anyone interested in (lucid) dreaming?

I've got a side/passion project that I've been working on for... quite a while. It's called https://oneironotes.com and it's a dream journal app for (lucid) dreamers. Think Evernote (or well, that's a bit old now... let's say Notion or Bear or Standard Notes... so, a note-taking app) specifically for "oneironauts".

Currently there's a pilot version as a PWA available for a lifetime subscription, but I'm working on more robust, mobile & desktops apps.

As a sole founder & developer I've been doing everything myself. I'm not really actively looking for a co-founder, but if anyone here is interested in working with me on this, send me a message! Technical or not, doesn't really matter. The project would mostly benefit from someone who's an experienced lucid dreamer, knows the niche and has excellent marketing & community building and/or design skills. Contact details on the website.

As a fellow dreamer, cool project! I’ll have to look more into it. However, I’ve been dying to ask another developer/dreamer, what are your thoughts on a video game that trains your brain to do reality checks?

Hey, thanks! I think a "lucid dreaming-based" video game would be really awesome. I'm pretty sure there are already indie projects like this actually, but I haven't tried them yet.

So it would be fun, but for actual LD training... I'm not convinced. I don't think it's sufficient. Just training yourself to do reality checks often is not enough. I've had countless dreams in which I mindlessly did an RC and then went about my dream business just as non-lucidly.

It could be a training aid though. Games as a form of interactive storytelling could help grow the player's metacognition / critical self-reflection, which might lead to more lucidity. And there have been some studies that show video games can help with LD induction (example [0])

If you decide to work on a dreaming-related project like that, definitely send me a message :)

[0] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333001762_Relations...

Swymm.org is an interactive, crowdsourced timeline of all history that provides an open platform for discovering, learning from, and contributing to humanity’s understanding of history.

Swymm has two components: the wiki-like public database of history, and a freemium* advanced timeline tool (compare to i.e. Aeon Timeline) for writers, planners, law enforcement and more to lay out beautiful interactive timelines. (* Pricing model up for debate) Unlike Aeon Timeline and all others, Swymm is cloud-based, multi-user, shareable, and leverages Swymm's database of public history that can be easily imported into your personal timelines.

Located in NYC, closed beta, looking for a CTO. I have done all the design and development so far but I would like a CTO to take over development so I can focus on product and marketing, though I expect to also continue contributing to dev. @t3db0t on Twitter.

Do you have an email address? (I don't use Twitter.)

Sure—try swymm ~at~ swymm.org or gihaca8398@girtipo.com (temp email), trying to avoid spam :)

I've bootstrapping an ecomm analytics SaaS at https://www.sourcemedium.com/. There's already product market fit and the company grew to 6-figure ARR since May 2020. Cash-flow positive & profitable since day 1. Slated to double again in Q1 2021. Goal is to reach $1mil ARR with or without investment. There's decent amount of investor interest and growth has only been organic word of mouth so far.

The primary needs are someone who can head up R&D (BigQuery, DBT, Elixir, Node) and Sales. For the sales side, we need someone with extensive inside/outbound sales experience at fast-growing SaaS before (+1 if in ecomm space).

Interested? Send me a note at fei@sourcemedium.com

Interesting...Curious, how did you get to product market fit? Luck, tactics, strategy?

I've worked on a number of companies in various capacity in the past so this time around was much more natural. It's both an art and a science, but the most TLDR way I can put it is the following:

- Thorough understanding of the problem space and niche - Founder-led sales to vet customer segments and gain insights into pain points. Figure out what they'd pay for and sell them the thing. - Have the ability to take the feedback and iterate on the product rapidly.

Rinse and repeat :)

Recent Project https://pipecontent.com

Wanted to evolve this idea into a go-to platform for knowledge workers. (A second brain for the content)

Located in India, currently looking for a partner.

Also, wanted to share all my research on various markets, opportunities, tools.

That can help us uncover better opportunities together.

Let's connect on Twitter! @notoriousarun

Great work, you should also integrate with pocket. This reminds me of https://waldenpond.press/ as well you pricing is better though.

Pocket doesn't support public lists(URL)

We support public URL's (One-tab, Toby, Notion, Google-Docs, Twitter-Threads, Evernote, DropBox, Website Links)

Your Twitter and Github links in your footer are going to https://pipecontent.com/#

Yes, Thanks for reminding me.

Also, Email is username @protonmail.com

let's have a Zoom?

Looking for a co-founder to do growth, sales and bizdev for a new project:

https://less-dev.com - a tool for software engineering teams to accelerate development of cloud software components (e.g. databases, APIs, batch processes).

The differentiator vs. no-code and low-code tools: enterprise-grade features built-in and no loss of control: it's open-source, can be run on your own cloud, can always export everything, data and code.

I am Pasha, previously technical co-founder at a startup and many other roles in software engineering co's. I'm in the Bay Area.

bio: pashabitz on LinkedIn

ping me: pavelbitz at gmail

Looking for mental sparring partner.

I have opinions on what the future looks like. I'd like to hear yours and see if there is overlap in our opinion of interesting customer segments and problem domains we could tackle together

Professionally, I am in leadership on the business side of a AI/ML start up. It's going well but I can't shake the feeling that I'm not actually solving any problem. I'm ready to take the dive on my own.

I would be interested in partnering with someone that considers themselves an Engineer regardless of what that looks like from an execution side.

Email is username @ protonmail.com

I read you post twice and didn't understand what you are looking for

I'm looking for a business / marketing co-founder - https://unicv.io (professional resume builder w linkedin import) ~ 90% finished

Pinged you an email!

I am looking for someone interested on building a quantitative finance API based on QuantLib. See where it is now at https://quantra.io.

I have been working with it for a couple of years discontinuously. This is for a small niche but some people showed interest on it during this time.

Looking for someone interested to help on the development and to define it. Although is not close to a commercial product I see it being used as a SaaS service or as a pricing engine to integrate with banking systems.

"Quantra is a REST wrapper for QuantLib, the indrustry-leading library for quantitative finance."

Thanks :)

Hello, please check your mail i have sent you an email to talk more about your project.

Hey there, where can one contact you to discuss this further?

Yep sorry, joseprupi at gmail dot com.

Something else, I would like to keep at least part of the project as open source, one of the things I have seen in the industry is the lack of transparency which makes hard the validation of the pricing models.

Having worked on a couple of failed relationships, it’s also ok to be a sole founder. Perhaps the problem is with me, I personally like having 100% control over initial formation of the company.

I guess, a team is much more productive in the early stage. But one can’t ditch co-founders later when 95% of development work is done and the rest 5% are customization for particular customer.

Definitely. Also depends on the type of company you want to build. If you want to build something that's going to become the next big thing, potentially raising a seed round, its better to have a cofounder or two.

Solo founder of https://fixed.link a URL shortener that got your back. Features are MarTech focused, with custom domains, analytics, custom link previews, but also fairly consumer friendly.

Ideally, looking for someone either exceptionally capable in handling the business side of growth (sales, pitches, marketing) or on the tech side, familiar with taking Node stacks to the next level.

Reach out via HN if you want to talk or have any questions.

Hi there, I am Vikash and I have been working on Quantale(Demo: https://quantale.io/demo.mp4) since May 2020. It's basically Robinhood for collecting/analyzing/visualizing data from internet(Twitter, reddit, yelp etc) in realtime as well as doing the same with proprietary data. Quantale provides a modular platform that comes with integrated ability to collect data from commonly used platforms, analyze data using frequently used ML algos and visualize it on aesthetically pleasing dashboards.

Quantale provides end to end data analytics as a service. You can checkout some sample dashboard here: https://public.quantale.io/dashboards/50778f4a-02bb-4d31-b6e...

Quantale was invited to interview for Y Combinator Winter 2021 Batch but Michael Seibel wanted to see some more progress before backing Quantale.

I am looking for a co-founder who is interested in making data analytics accessible to everyone. Contact me(email on profile) for the same or for any suggestions on my project or just to say Hi.

I'm the technical founder of Kanopi and I'm looking for a co-founder. https://kanopi.io

Kanopi is...

- a tool that blurs the line between private note-taking and public linked data

- a part-time project from 2015 - Sept 2020, full-time since then

- my attempt to explicitly support more of the thinking/learning process (capture, collection, organization, synthesis, analysis, and maybe recall)

--- excluding functionality for presentation and real-time collaboration

- in private alpha - request an invite at kanopi.io!

The problems I'm trying to solve with Kanopi are:

- remove frictions from note-taking by using data on the web to suggest notes and links

- make notes useful across contexts/projects by adding outlines (Trees) and mind-maps/diagrams (Maps) on top of your notes

--- notes are not contained in these tools, they are referenced

- make notes more meaningful over time by encouraging smaller notes, with titles, that have labeled links to other notes (how is X related to Y?)

From user interviews I think academics and professional researchers experience these problems most acutely so they are my focus at this stage.

As some on this thread have discussed -- I don't expect to make this decision lightly, but if this sounds interesting and you feel it is a good fit then please reach out.

Hey HN!

Andrew here (https://www.linkedin.com/in/agconti/). I'm the founder of Reactive Streaming, (https://www.reactive-streaming.com), a platform as a service that enables product and growth teams to create interactive live experiences through our easy to use APIs. We make it easy for you to build a live experience by taking care of the foundational live streaming technical challenges so you can focus on what differentiates your product.

- we have the fastest live video in the market, thanks to our propriety live streaming process.

- our interaction services, (a BAAS), lets you create deeply engaging visceral experiences with ease.

Want the skinny on what we offer? Here is a video: https://www.reactive-streaming.com/product-demo/

I'm located in NYC and I'm looking for a co-founder with deep sales and marketing experience. If you're interested, please reach out to me on LinkedIn!

Great thread! Hoping we can keep this going in future months as it's great to see what everyone is working on.


none yet | sf bay area | ideation | all


Me: Semi-technical generalist with spikes in business, finance, & product. Best at 0 -> 1. Lots of business experience but able to understand and help out with technical work. Currently working at a startup in the fintech space.

Looking for: Working through a few ideas in fintech and digital transformation if anyone out there is kicking around similar thoughts and wants to chat. Especially interested in building API-driven tools that make difficult things possible and simple. Magical user experiences, mostly B2B.

Still open to chatting or helping out if you are working on other interesting things and need product feedback or help with the business side.

I'm up for brainstorming during a quick coffee chat or building a longer term relationship if the fit is good: accountability or sounding board check-ins, consulting, or co-founding if we really hit it off.

Contact: hnfintech@gmail.com

Hey all, I'm Peter, and I've been working on YDays (https://ydays.com) since August. It's an app for creative drawing challenges with friends. I'm seeking a co-founder to join me on the journey of building and growing YDays into a vibrant, creativity-focused community. We launched in October and have 2,600 users so far. I’m a designer who codes, and I’m open to a few options for a co-founder: a partner with technical expertise in React and backend development, or one who has strong go-to-market and community-building expertise. Looking for someone who shares my passion for fostering creativity. Let me know if you or someone you know might be interested! You can reach me here, or by email at peter@ydays.com.

I'm working on Gurlic and would love to connect with someone who wants to build a next-generation community/publications/groups platform with focus on decentralization, anonymity and old-school hacker ethos.


I'm not strictly looking for a cofounder, but I'm interested in doing a startup with other folks. I have been working on a bunch of different things for a while with limited success. I have good leadership and technical skills, but I'm bad at sales, fundraising, and not so good at coming up with product ideas for things people want to pay for. I'd be interested in joining another startup as CTO depending on the situation.

Check out my GitHub profile to learn about my work: https://github.com/brndnmtthws

I was a (somewhat) early Airbnb employee if that makes a difference.

Shoot me an email if you want to chat: hn@brenden.brndn.io

- Looking for a tech co-founder for KahaniBox (https://kahanibox.com). We create story based games (Similar to Bandersnatch/Telltale games) for India and currently average user spends 1 hour daily on our stories. Raised $150k last year and currently in talks to raise more funds. I envision KahaniBox to become the Netflix for interactive fiction by scaling it to 100 million+ monthly users Looking for someone who can join as co-founder and take ownership of technology while I focus on product and growth. Located in India, anyone finds it interesting can DM on twitter @zaidazmi. Thanks!

Your Twitter DM is off @zaidazmi

Fixed it

It seems like this should be a standard monthly post on the first of the month just like Who's Hiring & Who Wants to Be Hired.

I have had co-founders on businesses and none of them ever worked out. It might just be me, but I have a hard time being motivated to really go through the hard stuff if I think someone else is a backstop or will do it for me.

My business that I started and built entirely alone is by far and away the most successful one and has made me a multimillionaire.

Whenever anyone asks me, I always recommend people to start a business on their own and just grind it out.

Working on Couchmate (https://couchmate.com), a cross between TV Guide and Discord/Slack for a long time.

Trying to solve the problem of discovery and real-time communication for the live TV community in a fun and interesting way.

Currently on iOS and Android. Built on React-Native (Typescript) using Scala/Akka on the backend.

Looking for someone in marketing to own user acquisition, social media strategy, influencer outreach (podcasting primarily), etc.

Also open to a co-technical cofounder with either extensive RN/Typescript or Scala/Akka (cluster, persistence, etc) experience.

Contact details in my profile if interested.

Heyo -- We're solving the housing crisis one backyard at a time w/ our ADU marketplace. We connect homeowners to lenders, designers, GCs, etc. We're looking for a technical Co-founder. I created a video that gives you the inside scoop in terms of our size, revenue, vision, etc.

Insider Scoop of the Company: https://youtu.be/gMQJvYivvLk

Here are a few data points: $650K revenue in 2019 17 member team (mix of contractor & full time) 500K raised and counting ~700+ clients

Looking for a Co-Founder/CTO My contact is Caitlin [at] maxablespace.com

Hi! My name is Jay, and I am from Canada. I founded a company called Hepple. Hepple is an upcoming online marketplace where people can showcase and offer their services to businesses or consumers. Our goal is to connect consumers to vetted and background checked professionals that can fulfill the services they require. We are currently in the ideation stage with a website MVP being built and were looking for a co-founder with a technical\software background. If you would like to chat more please feel to email me at admin@gohepple.com


I wouldn't say I am looking for a co-founder, but am open to connecting to see who is out there that may have an interest in what I have been working on, and start a dialogue.

So, it's been around 6 years now, that I have been working on a startup system that guides founders from initial idea to launch, early traction, problem-solution fit. At this point if you are thinking do you really want to follow the system of someone who has taken 6 years, I'll have to smirk and note your somewhat valid point.

It took 4 years of working with founders, and investors, to get the initial framework sorted out, which I made in Excel. I took another year to go through the framework again, and remake part of it in Access. Evidently I have a thing for MS. I released the Access version with the first few steps just here actually: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22445660

Got around 120-ish users, got the feedback, etc, etc, and have been going through the framework again, and working on MVP v3. Currently, I am redesigning the UI, polishing various content, few other bits and bobs.

In terms of what I bring to the table: 24-25 years marketing and sales, 11-ish years working with startups, 4-5 years investor portfolio support (family offices and a couple of VC's), investor relations, investor readiness, scout for a few VC's, etc, etc.

I should state I have another startup that has been running for 3 ish years, and am also working on a growth system as well. I shall leave you with a link to a page that shows where I stand on some issues pertaining to startups: https://startizer.com/problems-with-startup-material

On a different note, I see a fair few founders looking to have a chat about their MVP, about early adopters, about launching, etc, etc. Happy to have a chat, don't want anything in return.

Oh, one last thing, at no point will I be looking for outside investment, not looking to go big or go home, am already stuck at home as it is.

Cheers, Ace.

Edit: Sheesh, contact details; ace(at)startizer.com

Hi, we build open source technology to make it easier for people to learn about and manage their physical and digital security on the move through our app Umbrella.

Our core set of users until now has been activists, journalists and human rights defenders all over the world. They deal on a daily basis with issues from being hacked to being kidnapped.

Anyone can use our free, open source iOS/Android apps. Web version in testing here https://umbrella.secfirst.org Learn more about our work helping some of the most courageous people on the world at https://www.secfirst.org.

We have found some awesome people here on HN before over the years (Hey Rok!) and now it would be great to find some people who are interested in helping give us a bit of a boast - from funders to founders. Especially techies who can volunteer time and possibly someone interested in coming onboard and helping us build out an open source business model around some of our tools (specially our CMS, Tent) to allow other organisations to help manage and train their own staff security more effectively. We've already had a lot of interest in that area, so it would be great to have people help us explore that opportunity to diversify.

Ping me rory AT secfirst.org or roryireland on Twitter.

I'm Andy, I like to eat out but I really like to compile lists of the best deals and days. For example, a pizza place that serves $5 pies from 3-6pm, a chicken place that does BOGO on Tuesdays, a sushi bar with 30% off after 10pm.

I created https://fullprice.no (as in, "wanna pay full price? No!"), my goal from Day 1 was to make it the easiest way to find some restaurant deals nearby, right now, with as little distraction as possible.

Like many sites, there's a chicken/egg problem... getting people to visit without fresh deals, and getting restaurants to add deals without a huge audience. I did all the deal inputs by hand for a while, one-by-one, but it got to be too much. As far as audience, I got very frustrated after adding a whole lot of specific, Google-recommended structured data and then seeing no results.

I'd love to work alongside an enthusiastic marketing, social media, "let's rally" type of person who can develop an audience and generate excitement -- that's just not me.

just some technical notes: I've already enhanced the base concept with direct links to Doordash, Grubhub, etc, and maps and Yelp. Also already built the infrastructure for restaurants to manage their own listings and to be honest, that is some of the coolest tech.

any and all comments are appreciated... fp@ or info@ the domain above

best of luck to everyone reading or posting in this thread!

Been working on a 'FashTech' project - A menswear styling platform - https://www.unstitched.xyz

The idea is to help men learn more about what matches through peer review and by providing a framework to experimentation. By sharing capsule collections other users can mix-and-match different combinations and create outfits that people can like/up-vote. Going further I'm trying to add the ability to find outfits that contian items they have in their wardrobe. With the eventual goal of adding a graphing data base (and possibly some ML, to help try figure out what clothes match - This is usually VERY regional, based on occupation, music taste, and a lot of other factors, the fact that it's so subjective is what makes it a fun project to work on :)

I've build the main app using Rails & VueJS but would be really interested in teaming up with someone technical to help drive the platform forward, but especially somone (no tech skills necesssary) to help build the community and try get more people on board (I have lots of ideas and thoughts on how to do this, but not enough time between a full time job, and trying to build it.

Feel free to contact me on HN or send me an email to paris@unstitched.xyz if you're interested or just wanna chat a bit mroe about it :)

Hi, I'm Isaac. I've been working on Algebraic for the past several months. Algebraic generates detailed text and video explanations of math problems for high-school students. I'm still in the early stages but it can solve simple equations and I'm looking for a rust developer as a co-founder to speed up development. I'm located in Wollongong, Australia. I intend on making the project AGPL once I have a full working version. Contact me @ Isaacbankier@protonmail.com

My first venture gingrapp.com was recently acquired (good kind) and am looking for a new adventure.

curbd.app is a MVP product I’ve been messing around with. Not sure if it’s got legs, though.

Also have this concept app that’s the anti-Amazon app. It’s an app that lists all local stores inventory/pricing that consumers can use to one stop shop brick and mortar. Haven’t built that MVP yet.

If you can’t tell, my passion is helping SMB owners compete with the bigger players. If this is your passion too, I would love to talk.

My info is in my profile.

the anti-amazon thing has legs, but the angle of attack to get beachhead might be difficult. Open problems:

1) fake review/counterfeit problem 2) support mom and pop

Google Shopping is trying to go after the "amazon prime for the rest of the internet", which seems like a good idea.

On 2), One thing to do would be to do what doordash did, just go to 50 mom and pop retail stores in one region and talk to them. see what their problems actually are.

The fake review/counterfeit goods problem is actually pretty hard to solve, but it's interesting because it's not on amazon's top 3 problems list, so you could disintermediate. Ways to solve it that may be businesses: machine learning, limiting manufacture geo's, relying on video product reviews with trusted influencers, tracking PE acquisitions as a proxy for brand deterioration, reading negative reviews first, etc.

I agree with your assessment and that's basically where I'm at with the idea. There's absolutely _something_ there, but gaining traction is going to require _significant_ effort (money?).

Re: talking to users first - 100%! I am fairly active in my community and talk with local business owners all the time. This is where I got the idea in the first place ;). Agreed though that doing this formally and generating some user stories before any development could help focus MVP.

Negative review is definitely a big problem and I'm not an expert on that topic, at all ;). If such an app were to have a review system it would be imperative to ensure the trust-worthiness of reviews shown to users.

Though, I'm not sure you would need reviews at first, at all. I generally trust most of what I buy from a given shop X... I trust their purchasing and supply chain departments to have done the research for me. I never think twice about buying X electronic from Target, for example, wondering if that night light for my son's room is going to combust. One of the benefits of brick and mortar, I suppose.

Why do you need money? Go to 50 stores, interview managers/owners. If there's a trend in their pain and you can solve it with software or sweat, build it as simply as possible.

Doordash put up menus on a website and started delivering orders by hand.

That’s easy and free, sure.

I guess I was alluding to the needed(?) network effect for such an app to become popular with consumers.

For me to have this app on my phone as a consumer it would have to have 80% of the local shops I frequent listed.

how do you know it's 80%? have you spoken with other local buyers? Maybe the floor is something like 20%?

let's say it is 80, can you imagine a way to get 80% of the supply (stores) onto this platform? Or, could you chart a path to get to x% supply after y weeks?

idea 1: fake it, just list stores and items on a website and find out a way to get users to see it without paying for ads

idea 2: sign stores up one by one, using some interview-derived value proposition, and get your friends to help onboarding new stores, challenge them to sign up x% more stores per week

idea 3: post about it on hn :(

These are all great ideas, appreciate it. It could very well be 20 and I’m the outlier. And could definitely use the fake it til you make it approach for such an app.

I think this all warrants more investigation!

> Also have this concept app that’s the anti-Amazon app. It’s an app that lists all local stores inventory/pricing that consumers can use to one stop shop brick and mortar. Haven’t built that MVP yet.

This has been tried many times here in Germany with little success :(

Yes, I’ve seen many variants tried. It’s so funny, because whenever I talk to brick and mortar SMB they tell me they want it _so_ bad with regularity. Perhaps there’s just not enough hunger on the consumer side?

How would you prevent the Mom-and-Pop business from, eventually, becoming essentially a franchisee of the Not-Amazon system?

If you list everyone's inventory with one-click ordering (assuming that order fulfillment is solved somehow), it is going to be an immediate race to the bottom on pricing, perhaps accelerated by arbitrageurs. Consumers will initially be happy, until service suffers, but vendors will be hit hard on margins.

One niche where I could see such an app succeeding: less-urban areas. In the past year or so, Amazon has neglected my parents' market in the college town of Blacksburg VA. My Dad broke his computer mouse over the weekend; while I could get one in hours via Amazon here in Seattle, the earliest delivery Amazon offered via Prime on Monday was Friday, with no option to pay more for faster delivery. I guarantee that there are hundreds of computer mice in existing store inventory within an hour's drive.

I don’t think the app would do fulfillment in a traditional sense. Consumers would go to the brick and mortar and pay for / collect their item. Maybe there’s a DoorDash type deal where drivers can collect the item from the store and deliver to the consumer. Doordash for consumer goods?

Interesting point on rural areas- I’m also in the same boat. Amazon only delivers USPS, and any package that won’t fit in my mailbox has to be collected at the post office 10+ miles away. It always adds a day of transit and a drive. There are times where I would pay for same day delivery. There are times where I wouldn’t mind driving to shop X in town and picking it up myself.

Thanks for the input!

I think Amazon and covid (semi and full lockdowns, local shops closing etc) have exposed an idea that you touch on, decoupling the last mile shipping from amazon/doordash/etc; a market/depots/etc for peered-powered distributed shipping/delivery. I would guess the bulk cost of shipping is the fist and last few miles.

An analog would be doordash & restaurants, with the added difficulty being brick and mortar retail often don't have great inventory and cataloging. Most restaurants were already doing take out, so hooking that up to a logistics machine (doordash), was easy. Here you need to go in and get stores to take photos of inventory and track said inventory, THEN hook them up to a logistics machine. doable for sure.

This race-to-the-bottom rhetoric seems like a pessimistic view blocking actual opportunity; as we've seen with any marketplace (e.g., amazon, doordash, walmart, shopify) it's a balance...

You’re spot on.

I had 2 ideas to try and overcome the poor inventory system problem::

- at first, SMB would manually input their inventory into the app, kind of like an eBay listing. Eventually, we’d build integrations to common POS.

- alternatively, you could allow consumers to select a category+text box entry of what they’re looking for. When submitted, businesses listed in that category would get pinged. If they have what the customer wants they could click to let them know. Perhaps with 2 way messaging.

Second option looks the more scalable solution. Solves the 'why should I bother inputting all my inventory into this new website' and allows you to handle the problem of not having any inventory to show for a real time search or even any shop partners yet. Have seen this done successfully (including acquired companies) for quotes for services markets.

I think it could work and is superior to manual entry. But when I mention it to my local SMB they mostly scoff. Maybe just too small of a sample size.

Thanks for the input though! Encouraging to hear this has worked for others before.

I can't speak for everyone, but as someone who tries to buy local, I wish that existed. There's a few stores that have reasonable web stores, but most have a single web page that was updated in 2017.

Also helpful would be a browser plugin (or something) that would allow me to find the product on Amazon and see if it's available locally. I do this with books all the time (find on Amazon, find the ISBN number, and the go put it into the local bookstore website). The local bookstore also does local deliveries.

I also enjoy supporting my local shops, but detest browsing 5 websites in an attempt to see if they have what I’m looking for. Usually their website site is awful and I have to call. That’s usually when I give up and buy on Amazon.

I like the idea of doing it as a browser extension, definitely useful to nudge people out of their naughty Amazon habit ;).

Thanks for the input!

what were the reasons it didn't work in Germany?

I've recently started working on a similar mission: https://giverrang.com

I started a project during the lockdown in March and eventually want to launch and make it a self-sustaining side project. I recently filed paperwork to form an LLC (my first) in anticipation of launching and perhaps trying my hand at fundraising on Kickstarter or elsewhere.

The project is called Learn with Grok (https://github.com/GrokApp/learn-with-grok) and is a language learning application. Unlike existing applications, Grok is focused on people who have already studied a foreign language for years and are past beginner level content. Learn with Grok is focused on Critical Reading Skills and will tailor short story content to you at your proficiency level after taking a placement test. The more you read and do well on the quiz at the end of the short story, the more difficult content you can work towards to achieve mastery (or Grok!) a new language. You can hear what sentences sound like and see a translation on the spot if you struggle comprehending a sentence. Challenge yourself with a little content everyday.

This project is pre-launch and my first real try at creating a business. I work full-time and work on this nights and weekends while also balancing a machine learning grad program.

It appears as though the repository that you've linked is private

Your linked repository does not exist (or isn't public).

Thanks! I changed the visibility to make the repo public.


Am Raaghavv, and am looking for a technical co-founder for my company Starcast.com. We are in talks to receive seedfunding from a top tier VC fund, and so this post couldn't have revived at a better time for us.

Am based b/w Mumbai & Bangalore, India, and am building a marketplace/network ala airbnb/angelist for the media & entertainment industry which is currently to begin with focused on acting talent finding opportunities & resources.

Following the do-things-that-don't-scale approach, I dropped out of an active acting career to start an talent management agency where I personally represent and manage other acting talent (pitching, negotiations, coordination), thanks to which I now have even more credibility and networks across all verticals in the industry (casting, production, direction, PR), as well as profitability based on our commission model.

Am looking for a technical rockstar who can benefit from my domain expertise and networks to help build a management software for actors as a starting point, as most actors in India are unrepresented until they become famous. This would track project information, dates, monies, contacts, and so on, and gradually we can add service providers and other members of the industry to create accounts and build workflows, micro tools and tech enabled services to create a sticky ecosystem which makes day-to-day functioning of the industry, which is currently run a bit ad-hoc, more streamlined, organised and systemised.

Please write to me at raaghavvchanana@starcast.com, and we can schedule a time to zoom and take this conversation further.

I'm Alex, I'm currently building Infra Works. We make it easy for skilled trade businesses to find, vet, and develop great employees.

Most skilled trade businesses (HVAC, electricians, plumbers) are bad at recruiting and training employees. More than half don't have training programs. 3 out of 4 don't find the internet to be an effective way to find skilled talent. Here is what the hiring/training process at a company I spoke with looks like:

- Post job on craigslist

- Hope candidate has some experience or mechanical aptitude

- Rely on one of their more experienced employees to teach new employees everything while on-the-job

Every business owner I've spoken with has listed difficulty in finding skilled talent as their biggest problem. Our web platform gives businesses access to pre-screened talent and enables them to easily build a world-class, internal training program.

I previously led product/bd at LendEDU (YC W16). I'm a self-taught programmer with a strong background in SEO and sales. I'm looking for a co-founder with a technical background to help me build out our platform and/or a sales/bd/product background to help me develop strategy/GTM. If you have neither, but are interested in solving this problem - I'd love to talk to you as well.

alex at infraschool dot co

Hi HN, I'm Eric Hanson, the guy behind the Aquameta project (http://aquameta.org). With Aquameta, I'm trying to to break down the technical barriers between users and developers by putting the development stack in the database (PostgreSQL). Right now users edit data, and developers edit code, but with Aquameta, everything is data, so it opens up huge new frontier of possibilities. We're challenging the assumptions baked into Unix that date back to the 60's, that the file system is an acceptable way to organize the dev stack. It is not, and once you see the inefficiencies that the old paradigm has plagued us with, you can never unsee it. They are everywhere. By putting everything in the database, we gain a huge multiplier of interoperability and reusability, almost for free.

Here's an intro video from a couple of years ago:


Aquameta has a functional IDE and is getting very close to a v0.3 release, the first release that users can easily download and install. I have a lot of ideas for how to monetize.

I am foremost a systems engineer, but I very much value biz dev as an essential part of bringing something into the world. We're mission driven, but missions don't get too far without the Benjamins. I'm looking for someone to flesh out the business side of things, someone with connections to the investment world, and skills in market strategy, sales and marketing. I'm currently in San Francisco. Hit me up at eric@aquameta.com.

I make an app to learn languages. What's different is that learning programs are automatically generated using Machine Learning (NLP). This opens up tons of opportunities (both on the educational side and on the business side).

* I'm a machine learning scientist and developer

* I'm looking for a person passionate about using technology to bring education to the greatest number of people

* I'm in France, Paris

* I'm launching the MVP in a month

* contact: nicolas AT globers DOT co

I do have a side-project that I would love to finish up and monetize. It's a personal budgeting application (think YNAB, Every dollar, etc.)

I coded up a proof of concept. It's been neglected for a few weeks, but having a partner would definitely be the kick I need to continue working on it.

This is definitely side-project territory. I am not looking at spending more than 10hrs a week on this until and unless it is successfully monetized.

Budgeting has always been interesting to me. What is your tech stack?


messaged in keybase

Hey I’m Yasser, and I have been working on a meditation/audio book platform where users have the ability to select different narrators, sounds and languages for any meditation they select. It’s a community driven project meaning that anyone can contribute their own narrations or translations as long as the original poster allows it.

The other aspect is live journaling, which means when a user is asked something they can reply verbally and it automatically records the response.

I’m currently at a stage where the whole web app is pretty much complete, will be adding in subscriptions, mobile apps, programs and a teachers portal in the upcoming months.

Currently looking for someone to help with marketing and sales. Given it’s entirely bootstrapped hiring someone is not yet an option. Would love any form of advise and discussions on next steps and possible collaboration.

The app is live at https://samarambi.com, but still in beta so expect some odd behaviour now and then.

PS. Just launched (soft launch) on New Years so content is pretty much minimal!

You can contact me on yasser.fadl(@)vlandor.com

I've been working on a b2b SaaS side project in the computerized maintenance management space for the past ~4 years ( https://salientforms.com ). Revenue is great for a side project, however I'd like to build the feature set out to appeal to more clients, and generally do business development.

My background is compsci/software/hardware engineering, as well as the practical and physical side of how this sort of product works (urban systems, transportation, construction, maintenance). I'm looking for biz dev, growth, and interesting product ideas. My ideal co-founder would be someone who's worked in or has connections to the world of transportation, is motivated to find clients and grow a business, and is reasonably good at hacking and coming up with prototype ideas.

I'm in Toronto. Location doesn't really matter, but the product has a slight skew toward winter right now so a Canadian who knows would be ideal. Reach out via the site link above or via github.

That's a really interesting - if unfashionable - vertical.

What size companies are you targeting?

(In a previous life -- um, 24 years ago -- I built a prototype for an Australian mining company using a Microsoft Access-based master database to coordinate safety inspections with a primitive pen-based handheld computer. At the time it was leading edge... even got invited to presenting tutorials on it at the NOSH 1997 conference in South Africa.)

You've got to be unfashionable to attract unfashionable ;)

I've been working with large corporations and governmental bodies in transportation, and integrating with their own internal tooling.

Upgrade cycles are so slow for large governmental bodies that I wouldn't be surprised if there was appeal for a Windows CE 3.0 version...

Your website appears to be down. It might be helpful to link to github and/or an email address.

Profile's updated. The old hackernews effect on my server - try https://www.salientforms.com

Been building https://zoomingle.com over the last few months, it's a group video chat service that automatically creates randomized breakout rooms to facilitate 1:1's and other small group chats within a larger group. Came up with it because happy hours during Covid had no side conversations, spontaneous chats, etc. and figured that's the whole point. It's somewhat do-able with Zoom's breakout rooms, but if you have a company of 60 people and what people to be able to chat in random groups of 3 for 5 minutes for an hour, the person manually creating all these breakout rooms would go insane.

I'd like to continue running the tech/product side, but looking for a CEO/co-founder to run the biz dev, strategy, marketing etc.

I'm Brian, a 30 y/o Canadian living in NYC (but totally happy to work with someone remotely, ofc). I've co-founded and ran the engineering teams of two other tech startups, and currently doing misc tech consulting and freelancing.

Think this is a great idea, quick q:

is this an entirely separate platform, or an integration to Zoom?

I think everyone has experienced the awkwardness of being in a company "party" this season, say one word and you're put in center stage for 60 people, really discourages participation.

I wonder how "natural" you could make the mingle, like if you're in one group and see three people chatting in another bubble (I'm envisioning a panel with all sub-groups in separate bubbles), can you move over non-chalantly? (Don't know why this came to mind immediately, I'm just imagining being trapped in a conversation at a party being 10X worse if there's no way to leave the bubble without everyone immediately noticing lol)

Right now an entirely separate platform, but the original idea was an integration with Zoom. Unfortunately their API doesn't support breakout room management yet (https://devforum.zoom.us/t/breakout-rooms-api/4255/111) so the idea was to build it entirely separately, get some validation/learnings, and then integrate with Zoom when ready.

In terms of mingle-naturalness, right now it's set so the organizer just says how big the mingles should be and how long they should last. So from a user's side, you're in a group with two random people (from the company/larger group) for 5 minutes, then cycle into a new mingle with two other random people, rinse and repeat. Somewhat like speed dating, you don't have any say over who you're mingling with, but it is time constricted.


Am Raaghavv, and am looking for a technical co-founder for my company Starcast.

Am based b/w Mumbai & Bangalore, India, and am building a platform/community/market-network ecosystem ala angelist/airbnb for the media & entertainment industry which is focused, to begin with, on acting talent finding opportunities & resources.

Following the do-things-that-don't-scale approach, I dropped my career as an actor and started an actor management agency where I personally represent and manage other acting talent (pitching, negotiations, coordination), thanks to which I now have even more credibility and networks across all verticals in the industry (casting, production, direction, PR), as well as profitability based on our commission model.

Am looking for a technical rockstar who can benefit from my domain expertise and networks to help build a management software for actors as a starting point, as most actors in India are unrepresented until they become famous. This would track project information, dates, monies, contacts, and so on, and gradually we can add service providers and other members of the industry to create accounts and build workflows, micro tools and tech enabled services to create a sticky ecosystem which makes day-to-day functioning of the industry, which is currently run a bit ad-hoc, more streamlined, organised and systemised.

With the help of a technical advisor friend and an intern, I have managed to get built an influencer search engine as that’s what developed traction over covid, however, now that the industry is getting back to its feet, we’re expanding to allow for submissions of talent enquiries across other talent types as well (actors & models).

Please write to me at raaghavvchanana@starcast.com, and we can schedule a time to zoom.

Los Angeles, CA

I'm a data science and PM generalist with experience in product, finance and market research teams. I have 8 years of experience in software, working on data management and business intelligence platforms. I’ve spent the past 3 years in an enterprise SaaS company and the problem space has gotten old for me.

I'm especially interested in building data products, AI/ML, enterprise software, financial services and/or health & fitness services. I recently completed YC’s Future Founders course with an idea for a data discovery platform. I’m in the customer research stage and have not started building yet. I'm open to other ideas and missions as well.

I'm an intermediate coder (Python) and have built simple applications. I would prefer working with a technical co-founder, but open to non-technical co-founders if our interests and skills match. I'm willing to code as needed to develop the product. I would do well working on the business and PM side.

I'm very collaborative, analytical and pragmatic. Reach out and we can chat? lgenung at gmail

Hey! I’m Vitor. I wake up with a big smile when I have new software to build.

I have been developing software for 15+ years. Usually my biggest contributions to projects are:

1) looking at the "big picture" and deciding the best path to solve the business problem at hand; most of the times it means combining great, stable and proven open-source software to serve as the basis of the project, customizing them here and there. Also, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication;

3) coming up with challenges and creative ways to motivate the team, in exchange for $$$ bonus or a day off. I've managed internal and external dev teams and budgets of more than +$10M;

2) coding the bits no one on the team wants to, those that requires more thinking and research than coding. I'm best in backend coding. I love figuring out and coding great UX, but I suck at making things look pretty and sexy. Nowadays I tend to use JavaScript or Python, but I still use PHP, .Net (VB, C#, ASP), C++ and Java - whatever is the best for the task at hand.

Sometimes I find fun projects on Upwork, you can check some of my client's feedback here, as well as the (very) different types of projects I've worked on: https://www.upwork.com/o/profiles/users/~01ef5120bd178f9fcc/

I've built several small businesses: corporate training, used car sales, business intelligence software, car repair shop. I love to talk business and marketing.

I'd love to partner with a more business oriented person/team. I'm super responsive. Fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Location: Brazil, GMT+3 Willing to relocate: Yes pepicon@gmail.com

I'm working on an information security and intelligence startup (name TBD) and am looking for a potential co-founder or early stage team member. Primarily US-based, but everyone is and will likely forever be fully remote.

It's in the very early stages and is not yet incorporated. We're still evaluating different possible business models, but a significant aspect will likely involve attempting to combat certain kinds of cybercrime in a preventative and proactive manner. For example, helping to permanently shutter fraud schemes and to potentially contribute to a sort of chilling effect that may discourage others who are operating similar schemes or who may have been considering starting one.

Please email me at terahertzmammoth at protonmail.com or add me on Discord at terahertz#2015, and please include your HN username and any relevant skills and experience in your initial message. (Formal education or professional experience not necessarily required. Native or exceptionally fluent English speakers preferred.)

It's very broad description find it hard to know what are you exactly looking for

Been working in this App (Stock Market Tracker)https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.darkruby...

I'm good at tech, and can lead the development but need non-techie person who'd do promotions, raise awareness, etc

I've been doing some research and daydreaming about building a VR product that is both software and hardware. Think Microsoft Flight Simulator, but for driving, in VR. I want to simulate real world driving experience as closely as possible.

The idea first came to me when I was driving around in Hawaii along the coast a few years ago. The views were breathtaking. I had watched videos of the drive before, but nothing compared to the real thing, not even close. That's when I thought, maybe we can generate the driving experience in VR.

Think about it. You are not moving anywhere relative to the car when you are driving. If we can build a car that can simulate inertia, acceleration, bumps on the road, the rumble of the car etc., we can almost fool our brains it's the real thing.

The software sides of things is "easier" IMO, as far as being technically possible. I want to do what MSFS has accomplished. I want to be able to drive around anywhere in the world.

I am looking for likeminded folks to see if this thing can be built.

Hey, Sounds cool. Whats the best way to contact you?

DM me on twitter! @samtimalsina

Hi, I'm Toby and I'm trying to build a platform that allows people to build SaaS without having to write code.

I started a couple years ago before I'd ever heard of the #nocode fad. I simply believed (and still believe) that the next popular social network will be built by someone who doesn't know how to code. I've become a bit obsessed with trying to figure what a platform might look like that makes that possible.

For the curious, here's a rough demo of what I'd built in April. https://youtu.be/MV7Eo_18KqA Normally I have a demo server online but it runs on a laptop in my living room and my power went out this morning.

I can only take this project so far on my own. I'm decent at writing code but decidedly terrible at product and design. Having someone to hash ideas out with would be incredible.

I'd love to spitball ideas if you're up for a chat. General feedback is also always welcome. toby@koala.codes

If you cover the middle ground call me, I subscribe (as a customer) . What I mean, I know how to code and am (sometimes) dreaming about making an SaaS. But even before exploring idea space, I feel the whole surrounding infrastructure, like data safety, reliable login, payment (big one) and even CSS layouts are all a big turn off for me. These things every SaaS must have. And is really everybody reinventing the wheel? I would probably try to buy it. (not sure if such things exist). This seems at least a problem space you need to solve before the no code thingy.

I am in the early stages of a biotech startup.

I am working on developing the next generation of antibiotics and am located in Salt Lake City.

I am a solo founder at this point and would like to spread out the founder burdens.

I have a PhD in molecular biology and a lot of industry experience, particularly in regulatory and product/market fit.

You can reach out to me at: scottanthonykerr@protonmail.com

Hello HN! I'm Dave. I've worked on https://kontxt.io for a few years. Kontxt's a multi-purpose online communication and engagement tool for 1.) ENTERPRISE productivity, 2.) interactive and remote EDUCATION, 3.) expandable native AD platform for digital publishers, and 4.) a SOCIAL network to share the best parts of the web. There's a different business model for each solution.

I've built out the product. I'm looking for a partner with notable business and sales experience in at least one of these categories: enterprise, education, digital publishing and advertising, or social. I know HN is a tech community, but if you know anyone who'd be interested, I'd love to chat and see where the future takes us. Feel free to contact me at dbodin@kontxt.io.

Hope the new year is off to a positive start for everyone! :)

Hi, I’m Dave.

I’m a product manager that is sick of operations & other PMs asking me to write simple SQL queries or create tableau dashboards.

I’m creating a tool that translates human text into simple sql queries to enable data analysis for everyone without needing to learn SQL.

“How many [column name] did we have on [Date]”

This isn’t easy, but if done successfully will be extremely valuable.

Really interesting idea. As someone who has been in a data analyst role for roughly 9 years and frustrated by the lack of effort others have to learn SQL or even a BI tool for reporting needs it sounds like an interesting idea. Would be interested in learning more about how you are tackling the issue. Career background is Marketing & Analytics, but I have been doing development work for 6+ (NodeJS,Postgresql,Python) Any preferred method to connect?

Seems you understand the pain point. There have been numerous people who have asked for help learning SQL, and they never see it through. On the other side of the problem, analysts at companies are not there for simple SQL queries, it’s an inefficient use of time as opposed to in-depth analysis.

Email me at DPublicEmail@protonmail.com and I’ll give you my personal contact information.

Very cool. I have been thinking about the same idea but more towards geospatial data. Whats the best way to contact you?

Let’s definitely chat - Shoot me an email to dpublicemail@protonmail.com

Autotune for stories: https://random-character-generator.com

The tool in itself is okay. I spend a lot of time on research, very little on development (i.e. finding out what makes a good story).

The website has about 1k users/month, at 1.5 years old, with little marketing except for posts like this and topping Bing searches. It's something I intend to make money from eventually. I'm looking for a tech co-founder who's good at prototyping crazy ideas, or a writer co-founder who understands the field deeply. Ideally 50% share, with someone who cares about the problem as much as I do. We'll probably go slow/part time until we figure it out.

Longer story at https://random-character-generator.com/whatisthis

Hi, I’m David. I’m building Oliver, a better way to make introductions.

Meeting people is still hard, and meeting interesting people is even harder. I’ve learned how to do it and I’ve created an app that helps other people do the same.

Oliver is an iOS application in the consumer social space that helps people find each other, and make genuine connections.

I am based in the Bay Area, and currently in TestFlight. However, I am looking for a remote partnership. I am currently in the market for someone who’s worked at high-growth startups, particularly on iOS applications written in Swift. Oliver is written entirely in SwiftUI.

I can bring technical chops and the hired talent to help us build an interesting social experience. You can bring knowledge of GTM, viral loops, product, and technical talent, if you’ve got it!

I don’t believe feeds and followers are the future. I believe 1:1 connections are.

Feel free to reach out at david@readyforoliver.com

I have been working on a card game as a side project since mid 2018 that in my opinion plays better than Hearthstone and Magic: https://thespacewar.com/

Looking for a partner really like these kind of games that can take care of the marketing of the game and help push the project forward. Also maybe that can do technical work on the online browser version (Vue/Node). The online version is playable (alpha) and maybe 80% complete, try as guest here https://play.thespacewar.com/

Contact me either on Discord https://discord.gg/tv3DXqj or info...thespacewar.com if you have any interest at all :)

> Enter username to play for free directly in your browser

I was so happy after seeing this thinking, "so amazing of them to let me check it out without having to register" only to discover that it led to a register form :(

I hear you. You can play it as guest here without registering https://play.thespacewar.com/

Fyi your site is not working.

It is up? https://isitup.org/thespacewar.com

Is it down for anyone else?

Yeah, I get: "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function set_cookie() in /var/www/thespacewar.com/index.php:58 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /var/www/thespacewar.com/index.php on line 58"

Omg, fixed thank you so much. Something I had changed this morning and not tested correctly ...

First request gave me a 500. Second one was fine. Smells like some minor configuration error somewhere.

Works for me.

Edit: not anymore.

Hello, my name is Bruno Alano, and I'm 24 years old, currently located in São Paulo / Brazil but with the possibility of moving.

I recently sold my startup (acting as CTO) that worked in the Lead Generation area through Chatbot. Now I'm looking for something new to invest my time in.

My expertise is in the field of artificial intelligence, and with great experience both in front-end (React, Next.js, Typescript) and back-end (Elixir, Python, Rails) since I worked as CTO for many years.

I have a great interest in the following areas:

- Digital Ads, how they can be optimized through AI (mainly when it comes to retargeting)

- Latin America in general

- Note Taking: How AI + Humans can increase productivity and understanding of concepts, something well oriented to RoamResearch (Zettelkasten) but simpler from the user's perspective

But I'm open to other ideas. Contact on HN or email (bruno [at] monoscope [dot] io)

Howdy - I may be too early to post here as I'm really more interested in a thought partner who has the potential to become a cofounder in ~1yr+ if we decide to launch something. My background is mainly in sales and growth (early at Gigster, ran a venture for Rocket Internet in Berlin, ran a team for the Estonian govt's e-Residency project, Fellow for NYC CTO's Office).

I'm really interested in tech in the government space. I feel like there are many, many problems with government, whether it's at the federal level finding wasteful spending, automating audits for the IRS, or somehow making the DMV less awful. I've been researching ideas and doing due diligence but haven't found something killer yet and am looking for a thought partner on the eng side of things to bounce ideas around with.

I've been interested for a long time in building digital infrastructure / public works software, considering ideas for software tools to help communities and cities offer digital services to constituents. My personal goal is to better connect citizens and their elected leadership and improve civic engagement. How best to get in touch?

What's a good way to connect?

I'm not actively searching for one. Especially, since I have the feeling I'm not an easy person to work with and finding a co-founder that fits would be sheer luck, haha.

But I'm currently planning to build a SaaS product, that I want to turn into a company, if it works out.

"Slack for microblogging" or "Twitter for companies", depending on the perspective. Making asynchronous company communication better.

I'm a self-employed dev consultant and technical writer from Germany, who makes most of his money with tech blogging right now. I'm more on the bootstrapping side of things and not too big fan of VC money.

The co-founder in spe should fill my skill gaps (i.e. being are more business focused person, someone like a COO maybe?) but have enough overlap that we understand each other. Being a EU citizen is also good, I guess.

I'm prototyping a dietary/nutritional counseling platform. My background is software development (CS @ MIT) and I was co-founder of a startup with a 9 figure acquisition, but am always looking for help from ambitious and sharp technical talent (to bring in at the co-founder level).

Sounds interesting, can you expand more on what you're trying to do with it? Are you trying to connect patients with Registered Dietitians?

Hi HN,

I'm the founder of AgMaps (https://agmaps.us) -- simple and fast drone mapping software for Agriculture. Map 160 acres in as little as 15 minutes on your iPad while the drone flies, then locate areas of stress or damage and walk out to manually inspect. High resolution visual and thermal imagery lets you see issues quickly without walking thousands of acres, leading to faster and more accurate inspection.

I'm looking for a non-technical co-founder to bring this technology to market, primarily targeting agronomy co-ops, fertilizer, seed, and crop insurance businesses in the midwestern US. Individual crop consultants may be interested as well. If you can sell software to Agribusinesses, lets talk. devin [at] agmaps.us.

I am working on a platform to make, run and share microservices. Want a co-founder who can focus on marketing and strategy. The person needs to have a good understand of PaaS space, serverless and (preferably) based out of India. Drop me a mail at ynafey at gmail if interested.

I'm working on https://develytica.com its a tool for analytics based on Github data. Some MVP features are completed at the moment. If anybody is interested in this kind of products then hit me up.

I worked for many years in the generic API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) business in Mexico and just started a company in Europe to connect suppliers and clients from Asia/Europe with clients in Latin America. I already build a platform to organize/automatize all the technical and commercial interchange of information and had really great feedback from my prior clients, but I just don't want to do it on my own. I am looking for anyone who is interested in something really nice to niche! Technical (PHP/Laravel, new ideas, commercial background, Pharmaceutical background, etc.) and available to destroy an old school, booring market! PM me?

Where can I contact you?

https://www.sunnyirrigation.com -Kenya based, post-revenue -roles interested in: -Marketing/growth oriented C-level -Software CTO for our risk management system

Hi, Im Richard. Working on Okappy (okappy.com) a B2B Connected Workforce Management Platform which applies social and market networking technology to a real business need. The need to communicate and collaborate when working with employees often at different locations, when working with multiple subcontractors and when working for different clients.

Our customers have created over 60,000 connections on the platform. We've broke even and have achieved 6 figure ARR. We're looking to really scale the business now so interested in having a conversation if you have sales, marketing or business development expertise.

Get in touch through our website or find me on Linkedin.

Like podcasts? Marketing pro?

I'm the product founder of a type of social network in the podcasting space, looking for a marketing co-founder.

Based in Copenhagen, I have some promising leads for podcast partnerships in Denmark and Sweden, would be great if you have - or think you can grow - an excellent network in the podcasting world.

The product is almost ready for launch, but I'm happy to give a very sizeable share of the company to a co-founder with the right marketing chops.

There's also some space for an excellent app designer.


I'm a very experienced developer, but also a former management consultant, classicist and Shaolin kung-fu student.

Email me at: g at simply dot fm (this domain is for another, thought sort of related, project).

Lawyers of HN:

I'm looking for a co-founder for our law firm, NeonLaw.com. We're building out a SaaS product, https://www.DeleteYourData.com so far with some decent success and plan to scale it this year. I also have some MRR with our business offering https://www.neonlaw.com/practice-areas/business and some ongoing litigation (which I hope to do less and less of).

Ideally, I can work with a privacy-conscious progressive attorney.

Interested? Please e-mail me at nick@neonlaw.com.

I’ve a portfolio of tech demos that I’d like to monetize, or use as a stepping stone to offer services. I’ve tech lead and public speaking experience. I’ve been mostly bootstrap and gov innovation for most of my career.


I picture holding something like 5% equity of a B2B SaaS/on-prem based company and exiting around Series B with a team of successors after some years.

I’m located in San Francisco, can commute and maybe relocate to Santa Clara or Cruz or East Bay.

My IT situation is weak so contact will seem flaky... I’m working on it.


I'm building a music hosting + streaming solution with web, iOS and Android apps.

Currently running a closed beta with 50 ish registered users. Looking for a co-founder to help continue development of the apps. iOS and/or Android experience would be great!

Located in eastern Canada. If interested, feel free to email me at jsmith@hey.com :)

Link here -> http://relar.app

I'm not a developer, but this looks great! Just curious, how does it works for music rights?

Funny enough I'm looking for a developer too for my app about vinyl records, posted here too.

Thanks!! As for music rights, all music is uploaded by users :) I'd like to add the ability to purchase or stream music but it would take so much work. Your app looks fantastic btw!

Got it. Yea stream purchase would take your project to a whole new level, I understand

Ah, thanks!

I like the idea. Random feedback, there's something that makes the http://relar.app scroll very laggy in the area over the screenshot (Safari, recent Macbook Pro).

Thanks :) And thank you for the feedback. I'm also on a recent MBP and safari and haven't had that issue. I'll try to reproduce!

This looks like something I wanted to build. Great idea.

Currently using YouTube music, and its pretty good, except for one annoying bug that drives me crazy.

great idea, something like this (depending on the pricing) might be just what I need to quit my music streaming subscriptions (youtube, etc) and start streaming my files.

Thank you :) I'm hoping that some of the YTM crowd might be interested in Relar, especially since a lot have switched from Google Play Music.

I'm a machine learning engineer with a focus on data efficient NLP. I want to build tools that make it dramatically easier to apply ML (especially NLP) to real world problems like:

- Routing customer support requests - Understanding freeform user feedback - Understanding the memetisphere of social media - Automating content moderation on social platforms - Bringing order to large document archives

I think it's possible to build a code-free, interactive interface that enables all of these things (though it may be best to focus on a single vertical).

Hit me up if you're interested in any of this. grady.hsimon at gmail.

Hey! Made this as a throwaway. I’m an SDE 2 at Amazon. Currently looking for an opportunity to leave the corporate world and build something new. My skill set is AWS stack, big data, machine learning, some React. I’ve spent considerable time on large scale distributed systems/spark/ml research. I love to code, especially when not encumbered by enterprise systems. Previously I worked in investment research and had a minor machine learning startup exit. If anyone is interested in a technical cofounder I would be great! For reference, I have about 7 years experience.

Looking for serious entrepreneur in Boston to join ThoughtMetric and revolutionize ecommerce marketing.

I'm the founder of ThoughtMetric, a marketing decision engine for ecommerce. We are helping with the ecommerce revolution by enabling ecommerce companies to understand the performance of their marketing and how to make data driven decisions to improve.

We are looking to fill out our founding team before raising a seed round and taking the company to the next level. We have a live product, paying customers, and an office in downtown Boston. Email me at mike@thoughtmetric.io if you are interested.

Hi ya'll. Health nut here. Specifically within the realm of digital therapeutics (think using wearables to produce better clinical outcomes). I've built a couple platforms for a "device agnostic health monitoring tool" and am currently working with the Quantified Self community - looking for help pivoting into a world that has revenue model potential.

I'm an engineer-minded sales person looking for a SME within the healthcare industry. Are you familiar with health insurance, medicine, clinical trials, reimbursements, CPT codes, ICD codes, etc? Let's talk !

Currently working on this space. Can we get in touch? theramigo [at] gmail [dot] com

Knowledgeable here and happy to help

How can I get in touch with you?

Would be interested to chat as well.

I'm looking for a co-founder to start an ambitious space hardware startup. Looking for a technical co-founder with experience building space hardware.

About me:

I'm Steven and I've been in the tech industry since 2007. I've been a software engineer since 2010. For the last 6 years, I did the whole digital nomad thing and worked remotely for most of that time. It's been one hell of a ride.

I'm ready for the next chapter of my life. I want to head back to California (where I'm originally from) to start a very ambitious aerospace hardware startup. Yes, no software for me ideally.

Contact in profile.

I'm Russell Ballestrini and searching to bring the right person in as a co-founder for my latest project Make Post Sell.

Free entry level digital download e-commerce shops for upstarts and small business.

I'm currently bootstrapping and moving to the marketing and sales phase of Go-to-market.

The MVP is finished but need to build out the sales funnel and pricing.

Currently in need of landing pages for target markets (HTML/CSS/copy writing).

Built with Python, Pyramid, SQLAlchemy

Remote USA

Details in my profile on how to connect, feel free to ask questions here too.


I released WDR (Web Data Render) a few days ago here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25352385 and now I'm working on a blog platform around this concept.

I also created an open-source project called Evaluatly (https://evaluatly.com) to create dynamic multipage stories.

Co-founder or not, I'd love to chat with anyone interested in these projects. gpiresnt at gmail, or DM on twitter on my profile.

Always, a little bit?

I've founded one startup and sold it, and I've been part of 2 others that got sold. I'm currently enjoying being a PM at Slack, but at some point that'll get old and I'll want to do another startup. B2B SaaS is my jam.

I'm technical enough to build as necessary, but I'd prefer to focus on the go-to-market side. I'm always up for talking to folks who are thinking about it. I've got a history of working on developer tools, but anything analytical is interesting.

Twitter is in my profile, DM me and let's have a Zoom?

sent you a DM.

Hey HN!

I offer Speed-Networking-As-A-Service. The networking events are automated and can be standalone or part of (for example) webinars. I made this because to support online events after my in-person events were not allowed anymore.

I have a few regular customers but want to focus on the tech and am looking for a sales/marketing person to get things growing. You can contact me through the website. I am Dutch and based in Portugal (in case that is relevant).


Hey HackerNews,

I am working on an inventory management system as a service.

Currently my friend is also already running an online shop, which is integrated with it and I am planning to provide this as a service to everyone, kind of like shopify.

The guy with whom I started, who was supposed to deal with everything non-technical is too caught up with his job, so I am looking for someone who could replace him. It's probably mostly sales/marketing.

This is the WIP landing page: https://inventhora.com

Hey, whats the best way to contact you? I have friend who would be a good candidate to have a chat with.

I am interested.

I'm looking for educators and people with experience in the business side of education to help me with my new Logo interpreter, https://turtlespaces.org

It's fairly fully featured but currently only works via a desktop application. We're working on getting some version of it working on web, raspi and mobile. I need help building curriculum and selling to schools / school districts.

You can contact me at yewsiedu at gmail

I'm the founder of Bookmark OS, an all-in-one organizational tool - https://bookmarkos.com

Planning on a B2B version with cloud document organization (connect google docs, Slack, Box, Dropbox, etc) so you can search everything in one place.

Anyone interested with b2b SAAS experience contact me on Twitter https://twitter.com/DRLynam

CourtBell : Looking for Non-Technical Co-founder

I'm David and I'm the technical founder of CourtBell which has a couple products. One that I'm rolling out now is a national text message reminder for court hearings (HearingReminder.com). The other, much bigger product, is a specialized tool for BI for courts.

I've done the technical work on this and I'm looking for someone to handle marketing and sales. My email is in my profile. Looking forward to talking to you!

Hi, hackers! I'm looking for a technical co-founder -- head of DevOps, so to speak. Please see here for details: https://thehub.io/jobs/5eff42a5a2c1052946f9f702. If you're interested and feel fit for the role, please respond on thehub.io or get in touch through Facebook or LinkedIn. Looking forward to getting to know you!

Our group might be able help create product prototypes so you can maintain momentum while you are seeking a cofounder.

We are a new company offering rapid prototyping services for startups. We are a group of close-knit veterans of silicon valley (Metaphorically speaking!). We are results oriented with a goal of shipping early and often while planning for scale.

https://www.startup.dev Let us know if we can help!

I'm working on a non profit, collaborative knowledge sharing platform for personalised learning. It would be a kind of learning map allowing seamless and optimal exploration the knowledge space. I'm close to finishing the MVP. I'm based in Berlin but willing to move to the US, and I'm looking for a cofounder with great communication skills (I would be the CTO). Here's my Twitter if you're interested: @olivier_ramier

I’m Mauro ( http://linkedin.com/in/ideabile ), and I’m located in Amsterdam.

I’m looking for a Designer for a pet building a SaaS solutions to integrate design more into development, get in contact with me if you want to know more.

I’m also looking to someone to invest part time hours to build services that can create passive income together, a sort of business pattern of MVPs.

I have a company that has over 10k teachers and am interested in anyone who wants to help drive it forward: https://www.go.literatorapp.com/ It consists of a webapp and iOS/Android apps that help teachers track student literacy. Previously had about 20 or so monthly subscribers but due to covid and time haven't been able to keep it up.

How do you have 10k teachers and 20 students? Or am I missing something (or a typo)?

About 20 paid subscriptions. Have over 100k students. The paid subscriptions are from a point where we are starting to monetize but everything was hacked together.

Happy 2021! Mycofounder and I are building Swym, a prize linked savings app using Bitcoin. We're located in the bay area. As a team our background is finance and js development. Were looking to add another engineer! Feel free to check the app out on github, https://github.com/Swym-Pools/Swym_App

Please reach out if interested, steve@coinward.capital


Alright, I'll bite. Long story-short: I miss google reader beyond reason so back in may or so when the wfh was already a norm I decided to start building it(along with several other projects in parallel as a matter of fact). I have build some of the internals but... I haven't been subtle about how much I hate dealing with frontend and the modern frontend even more so. So if anyone is interested, contact in profile.

I’m a medical doctor (general internal medicine) in the United States. I have some technical background having done a lot of R and programming during my PhD in statistics genetics. I don’t have an active project but I’m interested in joining in with anyone who could use me. Skills: medicine, genetics, bioinformatics I also feel like I am a good communicator with business types, for what it’s worth.

Hi! Sorry for hijacking this topic a bit, but I'm a computer programmer interested in medicine - could I ask you a few questions about your experience? you can reach me at camilla[at]synbyote.io and here is some info about me https://race-conditions.net/ https://blog.race-conditions.net/

Statistical* genetics Whoops

- price comparison website - mvp already running - 5 countries - 7M products - profiles, groups, posts... - 200+ companies - basic seach inplemented, parameters search ...and lot of ideas to implement/discuss... - php, go, python...

Somebody with UX/UI skill and/or sale skill. It is no mini saas or small website. Somebody with real interest... i already invested several months.


link to a demo?

I’m the maker of https://discoflip.com where anyone can start a quick forum. My skills are on Product side of things. I’m realizing that growing a user base is extremely challenging for me. The project might benefit with someone in expertise in that area.

You can contact me on twitter @riantogo or email me heyriantogo at gmail.

This is a great thread, and I hope it is posted repeatedly like the "Who is hiring" and "Who wants to be hired" threads.

H, I'm Marc from Montreal. I'm working in the e-commerce SAAS space. Willing to travel. My skills are mostly technical. I also have first-hand experience of the industry and am my own customer. I would love to talk with others that are in the same space and have complimentary skills. In my off time I enjoy non-fiction, D&D, hip-hop music and the news.

If you’re looking for a cofounder, tons of top engineers starting their next companies are converging on Taiwan to do this ten week residency together: https://www.facebook.com/davefontenot/posts/1015820666915435...

This sounds amazing. Two questions:

a) How does this work with the new stricter visa entry requirements for Taiwan? https://www.boca.gov.tw/cp-220-5081-c06dc-2.html

b) Do I need to know Mandarin to be able to communicate with other folks?

The fastest way to know if someone is the right cofounder is to 1. Work with them in a high pressure / time boxed environment 2. Live with them

This is the perfect environment to do both.

Ad 2. Observe that co-founders spouses reaction to the living together.

I've been working on FluentCard.com - trying to build a better flashcard app for learning to read and write Chinese. The MVP is more or less done, and I'm honestly not sure what to do next or where to take it. I've been using it for my own studies and it's been very effective. If anyone's interested in teaming up on it, hit me up.

Currently building: www.bookmocks.com , a micro-SAAS app for authors to acquire stunning photorealistic mockups of their book for social media and promotional ads.

Looking for: Marketing and Sales expert. What I bring to the table: Technical expertise.

Upside potential: This could challenge big tools like Placeit

Reach out to me at lifeinafolder@gmail.com if interested.

Been leading https://www.roboy.org for the last 7 years, completed third generation robot in Q4/20, now looking to commercialise it. Looking for a BD co-founder. Location: Munich, Germany, Approach: Global, Space: Luxury, Tech: Humanoid Robotics

Hi, I am a technical co-founder but more focussed on growth marketing and growth hacking. I am looking for interesting project I can team up with as an investor. At the same time I am also looking at someone on technical side to build a product that is a marriage between Kahoot + medium + youtube contact on HN

https://www.zoarobotics.com – robust, low cost robots for industrial uses.

Looking for a co-founder comfortable with control engineering + as enthusiastic about building a new robotics co. as I am.

London, UK

Contact: thiago{at}zoarobotics.com. Look me up on linkedin for details.

Hi My name is Sasanka and I am working with my co-founder on a hot project that is aimed at helping restaurants boost their sales, especially during this pandemic.

We're both technical but we're willing to have a strong product/marketing person onboard. If you're in the bay area please hit me up!

I am looking for a co-founder to help scale side-projects with experts

http://affordance.app/ https://twitter.com/affordancehq

https://armorysystem.com - SaaS asset management for LE. Looking for someone to help with Sales/Marketing. Willing to give equity for right fit. Reach out - service@armorysystem.com

I'm working on https://pdf2qrcode.com

Looking for a partner who is great at marketing/sales or has connections to businesses which can benefit from this SaaS.

I can be reached via support@pdf2qrcode.com

Looking for a CTO / tech co-founder with Python {numpy/pandas/scikit-learn} experience (or equivalent in other languages) for Automated Crypto Trading startup.

What I bring to the table:

- DevOps/Cloud Architecture and Security

- Copywriting and Marketing skills

- Basic SEO skills

Email in profile

Just putting it out here for comments, suggestions, and if interested, collaboration: https://bsldld.neocities.org

Tech founder from Berlin (Mitte) here! Background both in tech & business. Not looking for a cofounder but always happy to meet new like-minded folks. Ping me!

I'm not looking for a cofounder, but I love helping people who are: carsonkahn.com/who

If anyone is interested in touching the adventure sports space.

Shoot me a message.

  of back-end would be


Sucks that the site is down at the moment, but if you would like to help me build a futuristic take on how science could be improved drop me an email.

Also, if you like/work on science in general, get in touch, there's plenty to do!


Personal cloud / data capture and management with user's choice of storage.

Stage: proof of concept, with a working demo.

I am a solo technical founder, looking for a co-founder also with technical background. I am based in the UK.

Hey, I'm Daniel, I've been working on altruisto.com for the last ~3 years. It's an app that lets users donate money to charities while shopping online at no extra cost. The idea is similar to a cashback or a loyalty program. We have 1000+ partner stores including aliexpress, etsy, booking, ebay. The supported charities have been thoroughly review by independent evaluators (GiveWell, Animal Charity Evaluators) to make sure that they make as much positive impact for a dollar as possible. This is a not-for-profit project.

Source code is open and available at github: https://github.com/altruisto/altruisto

The main challange right now is growth.

Looking for someone with great marketing & non-tech executive skills.

Contact via danielwyrzykowski@hey.com

TLDR: Failed web developer/front end developer, ISO of an internet marketer/RIA/co-founder to work with a profitable stock trading signal algorithm. I need some advice, please.

Greetings, I wrote about this a few months ago. I might be looking for a co-founder of Register Investment adviser? I'm open to any ideas. Thanks


These are great threads to have, but I do worry some underestimate the amount of interviewing they should do for a co-founder they've just met from here. As a rule of thumb if you can't imagine yourself being close friends with this person, it's probably not a good idea to have them as a co-founder. It's a much more important, long-term, and intimate relationship than a simple partnership or internship is. I'd suggest hanging out with prospective co-founders exhaustively, including plenty of idle, personal, and off-topic conversations before committing, and to remember that just like dating, there's a decent chance it may not be the perfect fit, so you have to be willing to move on and try again if so.

I have to agree. Starting a venture with a less-than-compatible partner made me realize I would need to do as much emotional labor to stay in the game as I would with a romantic life partner. To be honest, that really put me off from starting a company with anyone I don't already know.

My wife called my first business partner my "work husband". We remain close to this day. I think we got extremely lucky because we were a great fit for each other as co-founders, but we did take almost 6 months of getting to know each other before formalizing our arrangement (equity).

Get hitched when you're sure.

Finding a cofounder is like love: it often happens when you're not looking for it. The best thing you can do to improve your odds is continue to improve yourself and put yourself out there.

Totally. I'm looking for someone to see if they agree in different ways and disagree with in the right ways.

How does one create new meaningful intimate relationship in >>PANDEMIC<<

If I was meeting a co-founder here I'd probably try something like video-chatting with them, every day, for a week straight. Inevitably you'd end up talking about just about everything, and hopefully getting a real feel for how each of you are as a person.


Best wishes with your projects, please drop the capitals though.

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