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How did you go from "manual upload to file server" to Docker+Gitlab?

We've been shipping MVPs long before those were a thing.

./deploy.sh runs the commands you used to run manually.

What problem are you solving now with containers?

Listen to what you are saying: "It will take little time" and "it will be worth it down the line". These are bets. People get this wrong all the time.

Don't take the bet. That's happy path thinking. Take the shell script and 0 dependencies on external services and complex software.

Dockerfiles are just a few lines of shell script and a single shell command away from a fully reproducible image that can be run anywhere. They are also reusable across projects. This is a point where you can easily carry over your productivity if you are constantly starting new projects. Your latest project will be much further ahead on day 1 than your first project. Compare that to manually typing in commands on a server to set your production environment up. You'll forget things (massive drop in productivity) or have to write them down (massive drop in productivity). You'll redo the same stuff over and over (massive drop in productivity). For what gain? Just to stay purist?

You are taking the advice way too far. The advice is do things that increase your productivity and many things that increase productivity are also easy to setup once you know them. I'm not saying that you should learn containers for the sake of your startup. I am saying that tools you already know well often require very little effort to setup and pay dividends immediately.

> How did you go from "manual upload to file server" to Docker+Gitlab?

When I learned what I said: it takes little time to set it up and you reap the benefits. If you don’t know how to use it then it’ll take some time to learn, in such case I see value going with whatever you know.

>We've been shipping MVPs long before those were a thing.

That reasoning can be used with almost any technology and doesn’t tell anything.

>./deploy.sh runs the commands you used to run manually.

You went from “manually copying” to having a script with reproducible steps. You’re closer to CD than what you were thinking.

I think the rest of the comment doesn't need to be addressed.

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